The .NET Framework provides many new collection classes that you can iterate (for-each) through.
But did you know that you can also iterate through values in any of your classes, not just those that use or inherit from collections?
This article assumes a basic knowledge of collection classes for the sake of the quick-review at the beginning.
One of the coolest things I like about the .NET Framework is the way collections are designed and handled. On the surface, you simply see many types of collections, stored in the System.Collections namespace. In fact, there is another namespace directly under this one called System.Collections.Specialized, which contains even more collection types, including one that mimics the old-fashioned Visual Basic 6.0 collection. What is not completely obvious is how these collections work internally. While this is not a tutorial on .NET collections, it’s important to understand the basics of what lies beneath the surface of all these new collection types.
Under the Hood of Collections
The heart of all the collection classes in the .NET Framework is really a set of interfaces. Which interfaces are implemented and how they are implemented determine the capabilities and behavior of any particular collection class. The two main interfaces used in collection classes are ICollection and IList. ICollection provides the functionality for item counts, enumerating, and synchronization. IList defines the methods and properties that allow the storage of items and all functionality to address that storage (add, remove, etc.). The enumeration capabilities are defined in the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces. The ICollection interface, in fact, inherits from the IEnumerable interface, thus “inheriting” its interface. The way these interfaces are implemented determine if the items will be stored in a particular order (sorted list, stack, or queue), if they are hashed for storage, and other behavior. The implementation also determines how items in storage get retrieved; for example, by index, by key, ‘poped’ in the case of a Stack, ‘dequeued’ in the case of a Queue, etc.
Custom implementations of the interfaces mentioned above allow you to add some really slick functionality in your custom collection classes. In fact, the .NET Framework gives you a head start when designing your own collection classes by exposing two abstract classes, CollectionBase and DictionaryBase. These abstract classes already implement the fore-mentioned interfaces and provide the basic implementation, allowing you to further extend them for your own needs. Custom collection classes that inherit from these base classes or that are developed from scratch by totally custom-implementing all the necessary interfaces can expose their lists for iteration using standard For-Each statements (foreach in C#) as can all the standard collection types included with the .NET Framework (ArrayList, Hashtable, etc.).
For Each s_Name As String In o_MyCollectionOfNames
' Do whatever you want with s_Name
In C#:
foreach(string s_Name in o_MyCollectionOfNames)
// Do whatever you want with s_Name
The code above should be familiar to all of you, even those of you who have not made the transition from Visual Basic 6.0 yet. A tutorial that describes how to use these interfaces and abstract classes is perhaps an excellent topic for another article, but here I will concentrate on just two of these interfaces: IEnumerable and IEnumerator. The class I will iterate through is not a collection class because it does not inherit from either CollectionBase nor DictionaryBase, nor does it implement ICollection or IList. In fact, my class will not even contain a collection; it is just a couple of simple properties that define beginning and ending markers. Intrigued yet? Let’s get going.
Our ‘Non-Collection’ Class
The class I will show you how to create represents a fiscal month and I’ll call it FiscalMonth. You can find the complete code in Listing 1a and Listing1b. As many of you know from the companies your work for, a fiscal month does not always represent a calendar month, in fact it rarely does. The January fiscal month may very well start with December 27th of the previous year and end on January 26th, while the February fiscal month may begin on January 27th and end on March 1st. If you were to design a class as a standard collection class, you would expect it to contain a list with all the dates in the fiscal month. Instead, the FiscalMonth class will have only two primary properties: MonthBeg and MonthEnd; each declared as a DateTime type. Of course, this class can contain as much data and functionality as your application needs. Your goal is to be able to iterate through the dates in the fiscal month.
For Each o_Day As DateTime In o_FiscalMonth
' anything can go here
In C#:
foreach(DateTime o_Day in o_FiscalMonth)
// anything can go here
I’ll explain the enumerating functionality in this class a little later. Right now I’ll start with the enumerator that controls the iteration.
Creating the Enumerator
The first interface I’ll examine is IEnumerator. This interface defines the actual enumerator that is returned by each iteration. To make this interface more reusable, I’ll implement this interface in its own class-a design concept that I live and die by. However, the functionality contained in the enumerator class you’ll learn how to create could very well be contained in the FiscalMonth class itself. By keeping it separate, you can reuse the functionality in future FiscalYear and FiscalQuarter classes. You can view the complete DayEnumerator class in Listing 2a and Listing 2b. A key factor of the DayEnumerator class is the fact that it needs to know the beginning and end of the iteration allowed. If you included the functionality in this class in the FiscalMonth class, you would already have access to the required information, but since it is separate you need two properties to represent MonthBeg and MonthEnd. You’ll see later how these properties get filled. So far it seems pretty simple. In fact it looks like there are two very similar classes-well that ends now.
By implementing the IEnumerator interface in the class you add two methods (MoveNext and Reset) and a property (Current) to it. First, you need to add two variables to your enumerator class: one to store the current date in the iteration and the other to use as a counter. Remember that you aren’t containing a list or collection here so you need to keep your own counter and value.
Private i_Pos As Integer
Private dt_Date As DateTime
In C#:
private int i_Pos;
private DateTime dt_Date;
The i_Pos variable contains your position in the iteration, 0 being the first value (or the equivalent of the MonthBeg value), and the last values is the difference of the begin and end dates. The dt_Date variable will hold the current date during the iteration.
The .NET Framework’s For-Each statement is designed to work with objects that implement the two enumerating interfaces. When you first use a For-Each statement, it looks at the object being iterated and, provided you have implemented IEnumerable properly (more on this in a minute), it figures out what enumerator object to use (your DayEnumerator class). You would use the Reset method if you want to reset the iteration at any point. You can call it manually from the constructor of the enumerator object so you can manage this code from just one place. You will also notice that I assigned i_Pos an initial value of -1. Later, when you construct the MoveNext method, you will see where it gets its zero value.
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Reset() Implements _
i_Pos = -1
End Sub
In C#:
public DayEnumerator()
public void Reset()
i_Pos = -1;
The For-Each statement then begins to move through the iteration using the enumerator object’s MoveNext method.
Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements _
If i_Pos = -1 Then
i_Pos += 1
dt_Date = _FromDate
Return True
If dt_Date < _ToDate Then
i_Pos += 1
dt_Date = _FromDate.AddDays(i_Pos)
Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End Function
In C#:
public bool MoveNext()
if(i_Pos == -1)
dt_Date = _FromDate;
return true;
if(dt_Date < _ToDate)
dt_Date = _FromDate.AddDays(i_Pos);
return true;
return false;
Read closely through this code and you will see that it is actually quite simple. If the counter is set to its initial value, you set the value variable, dt_Date, to the equivalent of the MonthBeg variable, and then you simply increase the counter. On all subsequent passes, you set the value variable to a date equal to the MonthBeg date plus the number of days contained in the counter. You wrap this in a condition check for the current date value against the MonthEnd value. The method returns a Boolean value that tells the iteration mechanism whether or not to continue onto the next one.
Remember earlier I said that the .NET Framework’s For-Each mechanism first looks into the object being iterated. Here it found the enumerator I just explained. Now let’s go back and look at that very object that you’re trying to iterate though, FiscalMonth (Listing 1a and Listing 1b).
FiscalMonth must implement the other interface, IEnumerable. This interface implements just one method, GetEnumerator, which returns an object of type IEnumerator. Whoa! Slow down-how did you get back there again? I know, it looks a bit confusing at first, but here’s what is going on: the For-Each mechanism in the .NET Framework looks in this class first. When it confirms that this class properly implements the necessary interface, it looks at the GetEnumerator method and it retrieves the object to use as the enumerator, in this case that’s the DayEnumerator class, which as you’ve already seen, implements the IEnumerator interface.
Public Function GetEnumerator() As _
System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements _
Return CType(o_DayEnumerator, IEnumerator)
End Function
In C#:
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)o_DayEnumerator;
The o_DayEnumerator object is contained by the FiscalMonth class and is declared at the class level in order to keep its state throughout the entire life cycle of the instance of FiscalMonth you’re working with.
Private o_DayEnumerator As DayEnumerator = _
New DayEnumerator
In C#:
private DayEnumerator o_DayEnumerator =
new DayEnumerator();
Look at the code in Listing 1 and you will also see that setting the MonthBeg and MonthEnd values in either the property declarations or the constructor will filter them down to the MonthBeg and MonthEnd properties also defined in the DayEnumerator class.
In this example of custom enumerators, with the little amount of code you’ve used, it would seem that with the exception of the interface implementation code, the two classes you’ve created are nearly identical but that is not the case. The FiscalMonth class may very well contain much more data and functionality than you’ve put into it, while the DayEnumerator class would stay pretty much the same. If your FiscalMonth class does not contain much more information or functionality, you could certainly implement the IEnumerator interface in the class, and place the Reset, Current, and MoveNext methods there. You can then use the MonthBeg and MonthEnd properties of the FiscalMonth itself during your iteration functionality.
Something Extra
Here’s a cool feature you can put in your FiscalMonth class, and this feature certainly justifies separating it from the DayEnumerator class; you can create another enumerator class called WeekdayEnumerator. This class would be very similar to the first enumerator with one difference. You can add the functionality to the MoveNext method that checks the dt_Date value after the i_Pos counter was incremented. If dt_Date’s value is a Saturday or Sunday, you can increment the i_Pos counter again, either one or two more times.
Now you have two enumerators that your FiscalMonth class can use. However, you can only have one implementation of the GetEnumerator method, so you need a variable to note which enumerator to use. First you would need to add a declaration of your new enumerator along with the old one.
Private o_DayEnumerator As DayEnumerator = _
New DayEnumerator
Private o_WeekdayEnumerator As _
WeekdayEnumerator = New DayEnumerator
In C#:
private DayEnumerator o_DayEnumerator =
new DayEnumerator();
private WeekdayEnumerator o_WeekdayEnumerator =
new WeekdayEnumerator();
Then you need a variable to determine which enumerator to use. Ideally you should set up an Enum but for simplicity I will just use a Boolean called WeekdayOnly, with a value of False to indicate the use of the DayEnumerator and a value of True to indicate the use of the WeekdayEnumerator.
Finally, you need to modify the GetEnumerator class to determine which enumerator to use based on the value of this variable.
Public Function GetEnumerator() As _
System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements _
If Not WeekdaysOnly Then
Return CType(o_DayEnumerator, IEnumerator)
Return CType( _
o_WeekdayEnumerator, IEnumerator)
End If
End Function
In C#:
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)o_DayEnumerator;
return (IEnumerator)o_WeekdayEnumerator;
When iterating you would just set this property from your client code before executing a For-Each statement on your FiscalMonth class.
Learning techniques such as this gives you more insight into the inner workings of the .NET Framework; workings that were hidden from us in Visual Basic 6.0 but are exposed and extendible in .NET. This is crucial if you want to take full advantage of all of the .NET Framework’s great features and is a concept I plan to keep in mind for any future articles.
The code accompanying this article contains the full code used here, plus the all-in-one FiscalMonth class with the built-in enumerator, along with the complete WeekdayEnumerator class.