Windows Application Development

Windows Application Development

Microsoft’s best-selling Windows Operating System is still the most widely adopted desktop operating system, especially in business scenarios. At CODE, we can help you with all of your Windows Application needs, regardless of whether you need a stand-alone application or a large networked system. We can also assist you with a variety of development technologies and programming languages, and of course, we can help you with needs of any size, from short consulting engagements that are only a few hours long, to multi-year projects with large teams entirely managed by us.

Common Technologies

Windows Applications are built in a wide range of technologies, tools, and programming languages. We can help you with many of these technologies, tools and languages, especially (but not limited to) ones that are Microsoft based. For a full range of specific sub-services related to Windows Application Development, see the “Related Services” section. Here is a short list of the most common ones:

  • NET Development
  • WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
  • Windows Forms (“WinForms”)
  • SQL Server

Our Expertise

At CODE, Windows Application Development is one of our main areas of expertise. We have Microsoft MVPs and RDs on staff as well as people who have worked at or with Microsoft on technologies related to Windows Application Development. We even have experts on staff who have participated in Microsoft SDRs (“Strategic Design Reviews” in which decisions around the future of certain technologies are made) for technologies used to develop Windows Applications.

In addition, we have extensively published and presented on Windows Application Development at events of various significance, from major industry events such as TechEd, to local user group meetings. We even host and run a related SIG (Special Interest Group) and support numerous others in the technology community.

As is the case with many technologies, we also have access to our CODE Network of Experts (such as CODE Authors, MVPs, RDs, and even Microsoft employees) which gives us access to not just highly experienced developers, but the expert in most (if not all) related technologies. On occasions in the past, we have even been able to solve customer’s problems by connecting directly with Microsoft, spending time with the team, and thus providing solutions by means in which our competitors could not.

Starting a Windows Project

As with many of our projects, we typically begin Windows Projects with a Vision & Scope Workshop in order to determine the overall goals of the project, the size of the effort, and the best approach. Based upon the findings of this process, we work together, with clients to decide on the next steps of the project. Often, there may be a Proof of Concept or Prototype phase that moves into a further standard development process to ensure complete understanding of a client's needs and expectations.

Project Lifecycle and Development Approach

Windows Application projects vary greatly in size and complexity, and thus, the development and project management approach must be customized accordingly. We work with our customers to decide on the best possible approach that matches the customer’s needs and incorporates CODE at the level desired, whether that be a small supporting role, or the other end of the spectrum, in which CODE manages and attends to a majority of the project and its facets.

Many Windows Application projects utilize some variation of an Agile methodology which we are skilled in adapting and tailoring to your projects.

Purchase Options

Windows Applications come in all shapes and sizes, and the most appropriate business arrangements for such projects need to be determined on a case-by-case basis, together with the customer. In many cases, Windows Application projects are set up as “time-and-materials” projects and billed on an hourly basis (on an ongoing schedule, through service agreements, or as pre-paid hourly blocks). Sometimes, Windows Application development can also be billed on a fixed-price basis, but due to the complexity and size of such projects, this is only possible under specific conditions and scenarios. Graphic design tasks are often billed at a fixed price for a certain set of designs.

Purchasing Our Services

We offer our services in a variety of ways to meet every possible need. Options range from time and materials setups, to hourly blocks and monthly service contracts, and sometimes even fixed price setups (especially for mobile "apps"). Contact us for more information and for a Schedule of Fees.

Click here to contact us!

Related Services

CODE Consulting has been involved in Microsoft's next generation presentation technologies since long before they were publically released. Whether you need mentoring, training or an entire application, CODE Consulting has the WPF (and Silverlight) experts to act as a mentor to your team or to write the application for you. We specialize in the productive development of reusable WPF user interfaces, a subject we have written about extensively, and we have taken the industry lead on.
CODE Consulting can help your business get your applications to mobile devices.

Most websites get visited from a cell phone or tablet more often than from a desktop computer or laptop. If your application takes an order, collects customer information, or schedules any sort of meeting between two or more people, your customer's experience on a phone or tablet likely determines whether you get business, or your competitor does.