Articles filed in category 'Angular'

  • Sahil continues his series on Angular 2 and this time, looks at that essential element, the form.
  • If Just-in-Time compilation is getting you down because of slow runtime launches, you’ll be excited to learn about how Ahead-of-Time compilation can make your apps smaller and more efficient. Sahil shows you how.
  • Bilal takes a look at making sure that your Angular app, large or small, can deal with state management and data access using the ngrx/store module.
  • Have you ever wondered how to use your browser (and those of your customers) as rich clients without plug-ins or ActiveX objects? Shawn Wildermuth tells you how.
  • Sahil shows us a few nifty aspects of AngularJS 2 that help experienced and novice developers alike. AngularJS 2 is still in beta, but he says that you’ll love it even so.
  • Sahil noticed that AngularJS2 requires a new way of thinking about authentication regarding application structure and tells us how to deal with it.
  • Sahil shows us how DevOps (formerly called VSTS) can connect disparate functionality using two of his favorite tools: Docker and Angular.
  • Rick follows up on his server-side Angular back end for ASP.NET Core with this interesting look at the matching front end.
  • In another of his articles on Angular, Paul dives into global configurations and shows you how to access your Angular applications from any component or service class.
  • Sahil gives some excellent suggestions for dealing with a multiple-platform world using Apache Cordova and a single code base. He’s going to debug with TypeScript and sourcemaps, so you’ll (nearly) be a Cordova expert!
  • Craig builds a simple application that reveals the states, dependencies, and methods of navigation that you’ll need in order to fully understand the Angular UI Router framework.
  • CRUD’s a part of everyday life for a lot of devs. If you’re one of them, you’ll be interested in this first installation of Paul’s new series on using Angular.
  • Building on his article in the last issue, Paul adds HTML, Angular code, and Web API methods so that the user can add, edit, and delete product data.
  • In the third and final segment of his series on using CRUD in Angular, Paul adds additional server-side validation to the generated Entity Framework classes. He also shows us the client-side validation and validates data in Angular.
  • Building an API-based app doesn’t have to be daunting. Rick shows you how to use Angular 2.0 to build a small app that breaks out business logic, uses a repository class to consolidate data access code, and deals with complex relationships and data updates.
  • Miguel looks at organizing styles and integrating technologies to make one spiffy new kind of app with multi-SPA layers, and you don’t have to throw away your Microsoft experience to do it.
  • If you need to navigate around your Single-Page Application (SPA), you’ll want to know about routing in Angular. Paul shows you how.
  • Sahil explores the three cardinal rules of working on any JavaScript project and introduces some cool new tools.
  • Continuing his series on Angular, Paul looks at logging as a reporting tool for debugging, warnings, errors, and other types of messages, as well as calling classes to log to the console, local storage, and Web API.
  • Sahil continues his series on Angular 2 and this time, adds in building cross-platform desktop applications with Electron.
  • In the first installment of his new series, Paul addresses who needs access to what in Angular, and how to make sure that nothing unpleasant happens on the client-side.
  • In this second installment of his Angular security series, Paul authenticates a user against a SQL Server table and secures Web API methods with the JSON Web Token standard.
  • In this third installment of his Angular security series, Paul addresses the Angular 6 release and shows you how to build an array of claims without single properties for security.
  • When you wrap your JavaScript code into a closure, you won’t have bugs caused by unnecessary variables. Paul shows you how to do this using a templating tool called Mustache, which will help you get closer to coding in Angular.
  • You’ve been hearing a lot about Angular and it’s time to see what it can do for you. Paul continues his excellent series on Angular, the tool you need to create solid, reusable, and extensible code.
  • Paul continues his deep dive into AngularJS. This time, he uses this important tool to insert, update, and delete data by building some Web API calls.
  • Paul continues his deep dive into AngularJS. This time, he adds validation to the page so you can spot input errors.
  • If you have some small files to upload to a Web API, there’s no reason to use the same cumbersome process that works for larger files. Paul shows you how to save a lot of time and effort using Angular.