Articles filed in category 'Best Practices'

  • If you ever thought you’d like to develop the Next Big Thing, you’ll need Q’s advice about how to get started and what to do before you start writing code.
  • Take a look at third-party applications and code before sitting down to develop because the tools you need to build your masterpiece might already be available. Jason shows us some clever shortcuts as he builds a weather app.
  • Craig builds a simple application that reveals the states, dependencies, and methods of navigation that you’ll need in order to fully understand the Angular UI Router framework.
  • Whether you know it or not, your code says something about you. Kate tells you how to read emotions in existing code and how to be a better member of the coding community when writing your own.
  • If you’ve ever wondered whether you need a patent or if a copyright is good enough, you’ll find John’s research into the subject fascinating.
  • Ted takes a look at how to tell if a process is broken.
  • Mike takes a close look at how to deal with legacy code and the problems of re-using and maintaining source code.
  • Take your company to the next level when you consider all of a client’s requests. No one can see the future, but it’s possible that the unreasonable thing that your client asks for is your best guess at how to grow your own business.
  • Chris shows you not only how, but also why you really want to use a Micro JavaScript Library.
  • In the second article of the series, Markus talks about keeping your code readable and maintainable by controlling how often and where you reuse objects.