Articles filed in category 'Community'

  • Mar/April 2011 Doc Detective
  • Chris launches a new series about the developer community and highlights some people, organizations, and events that you should know about.What is community?A quick look at the Wikipedia defines community as “a group of interacting organisms sharing an environment” and I think that pretty much nails it. In this new series, I’ll be talking about the developer community as a whole and highlighting some people, organizations and events I think you should check out.
  • Chris Williams embracing community Nov/Dec 10 column.
  • What is community? A quick look at the Wikipedia defines community as “a group of interacting organisms sharing an environment” and I think that pretty much nails it. In this column, I talk about the developer community as a whole and highlight some people, organizations and events I think you should check out.
  • If you’ve ever been to a conference, you’ve seen a code of conduct. Are they binding? What do they really mean, anyway? John tells us what’s wrong with most of them and how to create one that’s inclusive and legal.
  • Mar/April 2011 Managed CODE Article
  • Rod gives you some pointers on how to get the most out of conferences and why you should go.
  • What is community?A quick look at the Wikipedia defines community as “a group of interacting organisms sharing an environment” and I think that pretty much nails it. In this series, I’ll talk about the developer community as a whole and highlight some people, organizations and events I think you should check out.