Articles filed in category 'Cordova'

  • Sahil gives some excellent suggestions for dealing with a multiple-platform world using Apache Cordova and a single code base. He’s going to debug with TypeScript and sourcemaps, so you’ll (nearly) be a Cordova expert!
  • Writing native mobile applications can be a pain because of all the different platforms. Rick uses two tools, Cordova and Visual Studio, to take the pain away.
  • Using this new tool and a few familiar ones, Sahil shows us how to build a simple app that we can sell on Apple or Windows App Stores.
  • These days, you can’t target only one platform with your innovative apps. They have to look good on many types of devices and operating systems. Sahil looks at how Xamarin and Cordova translate into native apps and how you can use a combination to build even more versatile systems than ever before.