Articles filed in category 'Entity Framework'

  • As a developer, it is no surprise to encounter unexpected behavior when working with a new technology.Microsoft added the Entity Framework (EF) to ADO.NET with the .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 released in 2008 enabling developers to incorporate a data model directly in their application and interact with their data through the model rather than working directly against the database. For background on EF, see my previous article, “Introducing ADO.NET Entity Framework” in the N...See More
  • Microsoft’s Entity Data Model allows you to define an application-oriented view of your data consistent with how you reason about that data.Part I of this article describes the Entity Data Model and how it enables you to represent real-world concepts in a way that makes relationships between related pieces of data more explicit and easier to query, navigate, and consume than through the traditional relational database model. Part II of the article discusses how Microsoft...See More
  • The ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to define an application-oriented view of your data consistent with how you reason about that data, and map that conceptual view to existing relational schemas.Part I of this article described the Entity Data Model and how it enables you to model real-world concepts in a more natural way. Part II of the article describes how that Entity Data Model is used within the ADO.NET Entity Framework to define an application-oriented concept...See More
  • Both ASP.NET MVC and the ADO.NET Entity Framework are both very popular topics right now in the developer community.Having spoken at various user group meeting and code camps it is very obvious to me what topics a lot of developers are interested in. I see that sessions about ASP.NET MVC or the Entity Framework are always packed with developers eager for more information. The focus of this article is the Entity Framework, but in the context of an ASP.NET MVC application....See More
  • Almost every programmer knows (unless you have been living under a rock for the last five years or so) that you should be using classes for all of your programming. You should also be using collections of objects instead of using a Data Reader, a DataSet, or a DataTable in your applications. The reasons for using collections are many and are explored in this article.
  • With Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5, developer’s data access options have increased substantially. In addition to using ADO.NET to create DataReaders or DataSets, Microsoft has added LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework as well as ADO.NET Data Services, which leverages those two. In addition to these new options, there are new syntaxes to learn. LINQ, which is built into Visual Basic and C#, has one implementation for LINQ to SQL and another for LINQ to Entities. In Entity ...See More
  • Microsoft released Entity Framework, an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool, in 2008.Entity Framework gives developers the ability to be abstracted from the underlying relational database management system and allows them to talk to a database using familiar LINQ-based syntax.
  • Rod takes a look at how to evaluate the winners and losers when it comes to new technologies.
  • The Entity Framework team at Microsoft has been making several improvements since the launch of v4 with Visual Studio. The biggest of these is the capability to use a Code First or Code Only development model. Previously, if you wanted to work with the Entity Framework, you had to use either a Database First or Model First development model.
  • With this release, EF Core has really matured. Julie takes you on a tour and points out some of the highlights of this labor-simplifying tool.
  • The latest release of Entity Framework gets it geared up for some big future changes. Julie shows you that the changes are nothing to sneeze at.
  • Mar/April 2008 .NET Rocks by Carl Franklin
  • The challenge of bringing data from efficient storage engines such as SQL Server into object-oriented programming models is hardly a new one. Most developers address this challenge by writing complex data access code to move data between their applications and the database. This requires an understanding of the database so that you can access data either from the raw tables, from views, or from stored procedures.</b>
  • When Microsoft first released the Entity Framework, agile developers roundly criticized it. These developers hold the tenets of domain-driven development and testability very high. The classes generated from the Entity Data Model (EDM) are very tightly bound to the Entity Framework APIs by either inheriting from the EntityObject or implement interfaces that allow the classes to participate in change tracking and relationship management.
  • The ADO.NET Entity Framework raises the level of abstraction at which developers work with data.Rather than coding against rows and columns, the ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to define a higher-level Entity Data Model over your relational data, and then program in terms of this model. You get to deal with your data in the shapes that make sense for your application and those shapes are expressed in a richer vocabulary that include concepts like inheritance, complex...See More
  • A common requirement in building applications is the need to serialize objects and pass them across tiers between the server and the client. These objects typically hold references to each other, and managing this “graph” and tracking all the changes so that they can be properly persisted to the database can get complicated quickly.
  • If you have been working with the ADO.NET Entity Framework, you have probably been extremely eager to get your hands on the next version that is now part of Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0. Long referred to as “EF Version 2,” this version is now called Entity Framework 4 or EF4, to align with the .NET Framework 4.0 version.
  • If you have been working with the ADO.NET Entity Framework, you have probably been extremely eager to get your hands on the next version that is now part of Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0. Long referred to as “EF Version 2,” this version is now called Entity Framework 4 or EF4, to align with the .NET Framework 4.0 version.