Articles filed in category 'Git'

  • Git has some similarities to Subversion, but it’s in the differences that Git shines. Derick looks at some of the features that Git provides, for which Subversion has no equivalent.
  • What is Git? Git is a content-addressable file system wrapped in a version control system.That may sound complicated, but code snippets sometimes speak louder than words:
  • Ruby on Rails is an open source web development stack with a large developer base. Last year, Ruby on Rails reached a critical milestone with the release of Ruby on Rails version 3.0. For more information about Ruby on Rails I recommend checking out You can find installation information, documentation and links to other resources on this site. This article will demonstrate how to get up and running with Ruby on Rails with help from the RailsInstaller.
  • John installs Git and explores how Git and Visual Studio streamline even a novice’s work.