Articles filed in category 'Graphics'

  • .Finalize() - Wasting Energy, and Rotating Things
  • If you have been following this series of CODE Framework articles, you are already aware that CODE Framework provides the ability to use, create, and customize awesome-looking WPF application themes that also make apps maintainable and easy to build. But not everyone wants to create brand new Themes or customize existing ones. Instead, why not just use one of the great themes that ship in the box?
  • Creating custom column types for the DataGridView control isn’t nearly as tricky as it once was.In this article, you’ll learn how to take advantage of inheritance to create your own bar graph column in a grid cell.
  • Windows are moveable and resizable; graphics and controls inside applications are not. This article explains the design of moveable/resizable graphics and using this technique in your Windows Forms applications.
  • Part 1 of this article dealt with the idea of moveable/resizable graphics.I wrote about contour presentation and explained the design of common and special types of contours, which allow you to apply them to the widest variety of objects. I used simple examples to illustrate the technique of involving these objects in moving/resizing. In part 2, I describe complicated cases of moveable/resizable graphics, e.g., engineering plotting, as well as objects involved in both fo...See More
  • There was a time, not too long ago, when browser-based user interfaces were considered both the status quo and the Next Great Thing.The demand for Windows Forms-based applications started to dwindle as the developer community fully embraced browser/server applications with their centralized server components and ubiquitous user interfaces. .NET, however, brings a much more powerful library of distributed communication technologies (such as Web services and remoting). As ...See More
  • May/June 2005 .NET Rocks Column
  • In addition to recognition of text and similar capabilities, Ink can also be used for annotation and markup of images. Medical and insurance applications are typical examples in which allowing users to mark up images can be a valuable form of input.
  • Most programmers have a hard time making applications that look interesting and fun. We are great at creating functionality that makes the application do exactly what the user wants, but many applications often look very utilitarian. However, with just a few little XAML tricks, you can make your Silverlight or WPF applications look like an artist had a hand in their creation. In this article I will provide you with a couple of very easy XAML tips that you can use right a...See More
  • In graphical user interfaces such as Microsoft Windows, drawing on the screen is an important task.Everything displayed on the screen is based on simple drawing operations. Often, environments such as Visual Basic abstract those drawing operations away from the developer. However, the same drawing operations still take place under the hood. In Visual Studio .NET, developers have easy access to that drawing functionality whenever they need it through a technology called G...See More
  • Markus Egger discusses user interface technologies developers should familiarize themselves with.
  • GDI+ is a technology that developers generally associate with Windows Forms applications because they use it to draw anything on the screen from custom controls to diagrams.However, you can also use GDI+ in ASP.NET Web applications whenever you want to serve up dynamic images. You can use GDI+ to create dynamic banners, photo albums, graphs, diagrams, and more.
  • In the last issue, I investigated GDI+ and how to use it for image manipulation in Web applications.This time around, I will look at the generation of brand new images using the same GDI+ technology and features.
  • Markus Egger discusses screen resolutions.
  • Markus shows us why virtualization gets a bad reputation and how to clean it up.