Articles filed in category 'HTML'

  • Shawn introduces you to Vue.js, a framework that can keep complex build systems from clogging up your app. It’s a SPA library that helps you separate the data from the markup, but it’s also much more.
  • Bilal takes a look at making sure that your Angular app, large or small, can deal with state management and data access using the ngrx/store module.
  • At this point, you’re clear that your app has to work on all platforms, especially on smartphones. Paul gets tables to adjust their sizes based on which platform is being used to view it.
  • CRUD’s a part of everyday life for a lot of devs. If you’re one of them, you’ll be interested in this first installation of Paul’s new series on using Angular.
  • Building on his article in the last issue, Paul adds HTML, Angular code, and Web API methods so that the user can add, edit, and delete product data.
  • Once upon a time. HTML forms were invented to provide a link between the various functions in an application. Then other tools pushed them aside. But the time has come for HTML forms to rise from the cinders and take their rightful place in Web development. George shows you how and why.
  • Chris shows you that you can’t depend on SPAs to do all the dirty work anymore. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) not only have more capabilities, but they make your users’ experience much snappier.
  • If you don’t need the enormity of a SPA, you don’t have to lose the benefits of a framework. Shawn recommends using Vue to simplify the code and make it both more reliable and more testable.
  • Everyone knows that there are standards when it comes to building apps. And most people know that there are standards for accessibility. But did you know that writing accessible apps is better for everyone? Ashleigh shows you what to think about the next time you sit down to create something.
  • In this second installment of his Angular security series, Paul authenticates a user against a SQL Server table and secures Web API methods with the JSON Web Token standard.
  • In this third installment of his Angular security series, Paul addresses the Angular 6 release and shows you how to build an array of claims without single properties for security.
  • If you have some small files to upload to a Web API, there’s no reason to use the same cumbersome process that works for larger files. Paul shows you how to save a lot of time and effort using Angular.
  • These days, you can’t target only one platform with your innovative apps. They have to look good on many types of devices and operating systems. Sahil looks at how Xamarin and Cordova translate into native apps and how you can use a combination to build even more versatile systems than ever before.