Articles filed in category 'Linux'

  • Today’s devs have to be nimble. Your app has to work on a multitude of platforms and meet any number of platform-specific demands. Mike explains how a new tool called Docker can help you deploy your apps on everything from Linux to .NET and leave you hardly breaking a sweat.
  • Ben Coe gives us tips on planning an engineering project when you’re starting with a blank slate. He starts with hosting options, addresses scaling, and looks at tools like Heroku, Amazon’s Web Services (AWS), Amazon’s Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2), and the Twelve-Factor App Manifesto.
  • Are you curious about cross-platform .NET applications?Do you have a need or an interest in how to write .NET applications that will run on OS X? Do you need to deploy your application to a *nix box? If you’ve answered “Yes” to one of these last two questions or are curious about running .NET code on *nix, then read on.
  • What if, as a developer, you could focus all of your efforts on building a robust front-end experience and not have to worry about constructing a complex backend infrastructure? Jason shows us how to do just that with Parse.