Articles filed in category 'NOSQL'

  • Mike looks at the technology that allows multiple teams to connect and scale their data despite disparate data storage methods.
  • Node.js by itself is a blank canvas. However, the Express.js web framework for Node.js provides programmers with a clear, concise development platform to build high performance Web APIs.
  • You might have heard some things about NoSQL; how Google and Facebook are using non-relational databases to handle their load. And in most cases, this is where it stopped. NoSQL came about because scaling relational databases is somewhere between extremely hard to impossible.
  • Nowadays archiving, searching and processing the explosion of data generated in applications means coming up with nontraditional ways of dealing with the data. NoSQL solutions offer intriguing and unique ways of handling the volumes of data available to us. Additionally, 10Gen offers an open source distributed document-oriented solution called MongoDB.
  • When I started my company three years ago, NoSQL was a hot topic. Advocates preached impressive benefits:
  • This article introduces a few of the coolest features in RavenDB 2.5, but before I get to the stuff that will make you drool, there is a slight possibility that you aren't familiar with RavenDB. The next section fixes that, and then I will go into what is new and cool.