Articles filed in category 'OSX'

  • Jason explores TestFlight, a new tool for testing your iOS apps. It has some nifty notification tools, which makes it easier to have a lot of testers—or just a few, depending on what your product needs. Check out what else it has going for it.
  • Remember just a few years ago when we were all excited to get touch technology on our phones, laptops, and tablets? The Next Big Thing is here, and Jason shows us how to develop for the Apple Watch.
  • Apple’s new language Swift is everywhere these days. Probably the most important app you could build with it is a search engine, and Mohammad shows us how using his own gardening app.
  • You’ve made your website pretty spiffy, but the one thing it’s missing is the one thing that makes social media platforms so hard to compete with. Add sound and video to your content by making it YouTube-capable. Jason shows you how!
  • Whether you’re familiar with programming in Objective-C or not, you’ll learn something interesting as Mohammad takes a look at the new high-level Swift programming language for the iOS framework.
  • Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the new Swift language that’s taken the iOS/OSX community by storm. Learn some of Swift’s basic features as Mohammad explores what’s new in this second release.
  • If you’re looking to build a server-side framework, you’ll want to check out IBM’s Kitura. Mohammad shows you how to build a complete service on Kitura using Swift.
  • Before any upgrade development begins, you need to know how users interact with your app. Jason explores one great tool, Mixpanel, and shows how to get the data you need.