Articles filed in category 'Podcasts'

  • I am the host of a weekly Internet audio talk show for .NET developers called .NET Rocks!Each week my co-host, Rory Blyth, and I interview the movers and shakers in the .NET community. It's a free download, and there are about 80 shows in the archives as of this writing. We've interviewed the likes of Alan Cooper, Scott Guthrie, Don Box, Kimberly Tripp, Chris Sells, and many other well-known persons in the community. Our show is not boring! We have fun! We give away priz...See More
  • Mar/Apr 09 .NET Rocks Column
  • Mar/April 2008 .NET Rocks by Carl Franklin
  • In .NET Rocks! episode 355, Richard and I talked to Ted Faison about event-based and event-driven programming. There’s more to it than you think. Ted Faison has more than 30 years of experience in the software industry and has been involved with object-oriented-programming and component-based development since the inception of those technologies. He is currently working on .Net projects for the Motorcycle Industry Council and Amtrak. Ted is the author of the books Event-...See More
  • Nov/Dec 08 .NET Rocks by Carl Franklin
  • May/June 2005 .NET Rocks Column
  • I am the host of .NET Rocks!, an Internet audio talk show for .NET developers online at and My co-host, Rory Blyth (, and I interview the movers and shakers in the .NET community. We now have over 60 shows archived online, and we broadcast a new show every Thursday night from 10PM to Midnight, Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5). For more history of the show check out the May/June 2004 issue of CoD...See More
  • Carl Franklin - Jan/Feb 05 .NET Rocks Column