Articles filed in category 'Speech-Enabled Applications'

  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking and its associated Developer's Suite provide everything you need for speech recognition:stable ActiveX controls, quality documentation, and end-user "hand-holding" tools for installation and configuration issues.
  • While sleepless the other night, I was channel surfing and ran across a rerun of the 1968 science fiction classic “2001: A Space Odyssey.”If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s definitely a must see. HAL, one of the main characters of the movie, is a slightly psychotic speech-enabled super computer. HAL is responsible for steering the Discovery spacecraft on its ill-fated Jupiter mission. As I watched the movie I was completely amazed at HAL’s abilities. HAL handled press ...See More
  • Chris explores how voice-enabled home assistant devices, like Amazon Echo and Google Home, speak to you and how they learn to understand your particular speech patterns.