Articles filed in category 'Testing'

  • If you’ve ever argued with management about how unit testing is beneficial, speeds up the process in the long run, and makes the software work better, you’ll recognize John’s point of view. If you haven’t (yet) had the argument, you’ll want to have this article handy.
  • Jeffrey shows you how to organize your code to suit DevOps, configure the five Azure DevOps products, automate your pipeline for speed, and build quality into each stage of your process.
  • Although I’m now a huge advocate of test-driven-development, I was not an immediate convert to the school of thought. I understood the necessity of unit testing:
  • Jason explores TestFlight, a new tool for testing your iOS apps. It has some nifty notification tools, which make it easier to have a lot of testers—or just a few, depending on what your product needs. Check out what else it has going for it.
  • Does the idea of using an app that’s never been tested give you the willies? It should, and Paul talks about finding the sticking points so you can be confident that your code works as intended before someone fires it up.
  • Insufficient testing can lead to devastating results. Find out what you can do to minimize outages as Keith explores unit testing using a Python tool called
  • Rod continues the tale of an enormous conversion project.
  • If you’ve ever had to step through legacy code—even your own—you understand what a mystery some of it can be. Chris provides some tips and tricks for figuring it out.
  • It’s so new that the dust is still settling, and VS2017 was worth the wait. Markus explores the ins and outs of his favorite new features.
  • If you thought that pages and dialogs that need a response from a user couldn’t be unit tested, John will show you how it’s done using dependency inversion.