Articles filed in category 'VSX'

  • Visual Studio is a great tool on its own and it can be extended.By using the Visual Studio SDK (VS SDK), one can create powerful extensions to fit almost any developers’ needs.
  • Visual Studio provides one of the most powerful IDE’s on the market. One under-exploited aspect of this IDE is the extensibility model. Programming IDE’s are not static development tools. Development techniques, tools, and concepts change. Extensibility has been built into Visual Studio from its early inceptions. The great thing about Microsoft’s foresight is that you can augment functionality of Visual Studio yourself. This article will demonstrate how to extend the Vis...See More
  • Visual Studio .NET provides an incredible leap forward from its predecessor in terms of functionality, but eventually, every developer finds a sought-after feature that just seems overlooked. VS.NET provides great features and capabilities, from intelligent wizards to very useful drag-and-drop functionality such as that provided by the Server Explorer tool window. If there's a problem, it could be one of too much success. A simple stroll through the IDE reveals feature a...See More
  • There are some big, exciting changes happening around Visual Studio! Microsoft is shifting the focus of VS from being just a developer tool to being an entire platform. As part of that shift, the Visual Studio Gallery web site went live on Feb 27, 2008. The site is your one-stop resource for cool productivity tools called Visual Studio extensions. An addition to CodePlex’s repository of collaborative projects and CodeGallery’s place to find sample apps and code snippets,...See More
  • I have a funny story about how Visual Studio extensibility works. I work at Microsoft in the SQL Server division focusing on XML technologies and I went to the Visual Studio team a few years ago and asked them if they could build some better XML tools.
  • In the next Visual Studio wave of products, Microsoft will distribute its world-class IDE freely via its VS 2008 Shell offerings. In this article, I will give an overview of what the Shell is, what it contains, and how you can start leveraging it to start creating your own tools IDE.
  • VSSDK Assist makes it easier to start extending Visual Studio using the Visual Studio SDK (VS SDK).
  • Extensibility in Visual Studio is a bit like science and technology-there is always more to learn and discover even for the experts. In this article, I’ll present a few tips and tricks you may find helpful when creating packages with the Visual Studio SDK.
  • Visual Studio Extensibility can appear daunting to the uninitiated.This article will look at the blogging effort on, as well as the VSMessenger sample application, and examine how they improve overall approachability to Visual Studio Extensibility.
  • Welcome Letter from the VSX Team
  • Though the XML Editor in Visual Studio 2005 has many improvements, it still lacks support for writing and testing XPath queries. In this article, I’ll show you how to leverage the Visual Studio SDK to extend the XML Editor to allow you to write and text XPath queries in Visual Studio 2005.