Articles filed in category 'Virtual Earth'

  • LINQ to XML, which makes query a first class construct in C# and Visual Basic, is the new XML API in the .NET Framework 3.5. With the introduction of Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Microsoft is introducing LINQ implementations that work over objects, data, and XML. LINQ to XML improves on System.Xml in the .NET Framework 2.0 by being both simpler to use and more efficient. Microsoft developed this new API because the W3C-based DOM API does not integrate well into the LINQ programming model.
  • From the consumer products associated with the MSN Butterfly, the Windows Live Platform has steadily grown and evolved.In this article you will discover some of the history behind the Windows Live Platform and explore where it is heading now and might be destined to go in the future. This article will explore the opportunities for you as a developer in this brave (nearly) new world.
  • I read somewhere that nearly 80% of all data has some location-related aspect to it. Common business questions in data include: Where do we ship these orders? Where are flood plains located and what rainfall amount are problematic for them? Where are vendors and/or customers located? What delivery route should we use? Can we track using GPS? Where are voting districts located? Where are the best hospitals located? Where are the sales regions that produce the most revenu...See More
  • Now in its sixth major release, Virtual Earth offers an entire world of opportunities for innovative Web-based mapping.Microsoft’s premier Web-based mapping solution has undergone upgrades to it user interface, compatibility, and functionality making it an ideal time to get started with the platform or upgrade your existing application. Let’s explore what’s new and what has changed in this latest release.
  • Ready to build a Web experience your users will love? Windows Live Services are the building blocks of your new site. Get started right now with the Windows Live Quick Applications.