Articles filed in category 'iPhone'

  • You can sell your app with creative marketing, but you’ve got to do something more to get customers to not only open your app but use it, too. Jason takes a look at onboarding techniques.
  • In this article, you will create a CODE Framework RESTful service and an iPhone application from scratch. For the client side, you will utilize XCode (yes, you’ll need a Mac!), which uses Objective-C as the primary language. This article won’t teach you the language; you need to know the basics of Objective-C. Even if you don’t know anything about it but want to code right away, read the article “Building a Twitter Search Client on iOS,” by Ben Scherman, available for al...See More
  • Chris shows us how to make sure that your app is not only cross-platform, but international and global as well.
  • In Apple’s new releases, there are a ton of new features to play with—even the AppStore has changed. Jason shows you how all of this impacts your development chores.
  • Wei-Meng gives us a step-by-step guide to making seamless cross-platform mobile apps with Xamarin.
  • Have you been struggling with sluggish apps? Perhaps all that’s needed is a little tightening of the code. Mohammad makes your apps lean and mean again with a simple ToDo example.
  • Using Firebase Cloud Messaging, Wei-Meng shows you how to enable PWA push notifications as if they were native code, and how to host your REST API as a serverless app.
  • You’ve made your website pretty spiffy, but the one thing it’s missing is the one thing that makes social media platforms so hard to compete with. Add sound and video to your content by making it YouTube-capable. Jason shows you how!
  • Whether you’re familiar with programming in Objective-C or not, you’ll learn something interesting as Mohammad takes a look at the new high-level Swift programming language for the iOS framework.
  • Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the new Swift language that’s taken the iOS/OSX community by storm. Learn some of Swift’s basic features as Mohammad explores what’s new in this second release.
  • These days, you can’t build your apps for only one platform, which could mean multiple dev teams and keeping track of parallel projects. Jason shows us how to use React Native to get the best mobile development without breaking the bank or going crazy.
  • Walt continues his series of articles on Xamarin, this time, exploring the nature of pages. You’ll learn what a page is, how to navigate among them, how to create sub-pages, and strategies for loading data onto pages.
  • You can use Xamarin to directly access native iOS APIs and still take advantage of what you know about C# and the .NET Framework. Jason shows us just how easy it is.
  • With all the new things on the market, it’s hard to keep a user’s attention where it belongs: on your app. Jason explores the push-notification aspects of One Signal to help you keep your app in the forefront.
  • Jason shows us how to keep the development team focused on developing while creating built-in post-launch features that keep your users happy too. It’s not magic, it’s
  • What if, as a developer, you could focus all of your efforts on building a robust front-end experience and not have to worry about constructing a complex backend infrastructure? Jason shows us how to do just that with Parse.
  • Want a great way to tell prospective customers or conference attendees that you’re open for business? Wei-Meng explains how iBeacons work, tells you how to build one, and shows you many clever uses for iOS and Android mobile devices.
  • The iPhone is one of the most compelling and exciting user interfaces to appear on any consumer electronic device, with many innovations that make it a pleasure to use. How can you deliver a similar experience with your .NET applications?This article demonstrates how you can implement these features in your .NET applications in a step-by-step format as you recreate the iPhone interface using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) technology with both Visual Studio 2008 an...See More
  • Xamarin has a new version of their Cross-Platform Mobile Development tool out, and Jason takes you on a tour of all the great new features.