Issue: 2007 - May/June

  • May/June 2007 Editorial by Rod Paddock
  • Most people who undergo bypass surgery-are back for another one in just a few years-unless they die first of course.
  • Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a collection of architectural principles combined to integrate new and existing applications both within the enterprise and in business to business or partner integration scenarios. This article (Part 1) will provide a conceptual overview of BizTalk Server 2006 and how it serves to address the problem domain common in the EAI space. In Part 2, I’ll introduce a business case for implementing an online ordering and fulfillment sy...See More
  • This article will present a crash-course in the basics of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). WCF is one of the exciting new capabilities in the .NET 3.0 Framework. It provides a unified and uniform programming model for building distributed applications. Those who previously built multiple code bases to deal with Web services and .NET remoting will surely come to appreciate the power standardization that WCF offers. WCF, like any other new technology, requires resea...See More
  • An important principal of software design is that of “least privilege.”Basically, in any given layer of a program, you should only grant minimal access such that the code has rights to only exactly the resources it needs to get its job done-and nothing more. Most SQL Server developers understand this concept: one of the main reasons to use stored procedures is to encapsulate permission to data behind controlled and auditable interfaces, thereby not giving the caller direct access.
  • IT professionals agree that input is a big source of trouble. Input ultimately determines how applications work and wrong or malicious input may cause serious damage. It is extremely important that developers have this fact firmly in mind and consequently apply adequate countermeasures. Starting from the perspective that all input is evil is a good approach. Reasoning in terms of a whitelist instead of a blacklist is another excellent strategy. Working with strongly type...See More
  • Building loosely coupled application architectures requires more than just separating your application into different layers.In this article, I’ll take a project that was built using techniques that result in fragile, hard-to-test code and introduce some principles, techniques, and refactorings that will help you realize flexibility and testability in your applications.
  • In .NET Web applications you can find that in many places custom classes and collections are better choices than the DataSet or DataTable. The custom classes or the custom class collections, which are truly object oriented, allow developers to employ all object-oriented programming techniques.
  • May/June 2007 CoDe on the Road Column
  • May/June .Net Rocks Column
  • May/June 2007 Doc Detective column
  • Ken Getz Finalize Column - May/June 07