Issue: 2021 - January/February

  • Rod describes how Morning Pages has significantly changed his life, unblocked creative energy and made him happier.
  • Sahil builds onto his earlier ExpressJS and TypeScript article and gets the sample application (a To-Do app that saves data to a database) up and running. He uses Bootstrap for new pages, adds support for client-side scripting using TypeScript and then adds Vue.js into the project.
  • Paul shows you how to avoid the frustration of having to determine a stored procedure’s function before you call it by using Entity Framework in .NET 5. Learn how to make calls to stored procedures using Entity Framework in .NET 5.x.
  • Julie explores how to get started with Azure Data Explorer (ADX) and makes sense of it for those developers who are curious but don't have big data projects to work on. Also, learn a bit about Kusto Query Language (KQL).
  • Shawn Wildermuth demonstrates how to use Vue Routing in a single page application. This article also explores RouterView, RouterLinks, Route Parameters ($route), Matching Routes (pathMatch), Nested Routes , and Routing Guards.
  • Get started developing for AWS using Amplify and React to build a simple photo application. Create back-end services using Amazon Cognito, a managed identity service, add storage, and use the GraphQL API to deploy. then use Amplify to build the front end.
  • Miguel Castro teaches you the how to use Web Workers to do multi-threaded development in Web applications using JavaScript.
  • This overview of multi-tenant architecture describes the challenges and solutions to using them. Ultimately, multi-tenant gets cheaper over time. Follow along to implement a multi-tenant application in ASP.NET 5
  • Get started building plug-ins using Vue 3’s Provide/Inject API. Learn about Props, Prop Drilling and how to solve the side effects of Prop Drilling using the Provide/Inject API in the Options API and the Composition API.
  • John makes an interesting comparison between writing code in teams and improvising in a jazz band.