Issue: The Web View

  • Rick Strahl discusses AJAX technology.
  • Rick Strahl talks about the new Atlas framework for ASP.NET.
  • RIck Strahl discusses IIS 7.0
  • Rick Strahl discusses Visual Studio 2005.
  • Rick Strahl discusses the current status of the Web.
  • Rick Strahl discusses Web Application Projects
  • Rick Strahl discusses Windows Vista for developers.
  • Rick Strahl discusses ATLAS, Microsoft's ASP.NET implementation of AJAX.
  • In this article, Rick discusses the new features of IIS 7.
  • Rick discusses WCF
  • Rick Strahl discusses the newly released ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 (MS AJAX)
  • Rick Strahl discusses building rich internet applications
  • Rick Strahl discusses considerations when writing JavaScript
  • Rick Strahl discusses the new ASP.NET Orcas beta release.
  • At Mix 2007 in Las Vegas, Microsoft announced Silverlight (formerly known as WPF/E) to much fanfare. Silverlight is very intriguing in concept, as it further travels the path previously laid out by WPF (Silverlight’s big brother), and it aims to bring the worlds of Windows and Web development, as well as the worlds of software development and graphical design, much closer together. As more and more details emerge (and the first released version is now available), it beco...See More
  • Rick Strahl discusses LINQ to SQL features.
  • The Web View October 2007
  • Rick Strahl discusses ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Rick Strahl discusses Rest-Based Ajax Services.
  • Rick Strahl discuss scripting with jQuery.
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) has become the de facto data transfer standard for client-side Web applications that use JavaScript. JSON is a JavaScript-based object/value encoding format that looks very close to raw JavaScript and can be very easily parsed by JavaScript code because JavaScript can effectively evaluate a JSON string and re-materialize an object from it. Unlike XML there’s no parsing involved in the process, so it’s easy to work with and also relativel...See More
  • Microsoft recently released the first CTP of a new development environment called WebMatrix (, which along with some of its supporting technologies are squarely aimed at making the Microsoft Web Platform more approachable for first-time developers and hobbyists. But in the process, it also provides some updated technologies that can make life easier for existing .NET developers.
  • Microsoft released the .NET Runtime 4.0 and with it comes a brand spanking new version of ASP.NET - version 4.0 - which provides an incremental set of improvements to an already powerful platform. .NET 4.0 is a full release of the .NET Framework, unlike version 3.5, which was merely a set of library updates on top of the .NET Framework version 2.0. Because of this full framework revision, there has been a welcome bit of consolidation of assemblies and configuration setti...See More
  • SignalR is the latest in a long string of new technologies pouring out from the ASP.NET team recently, when Microsoft rolled out version 1.0 of SignalR when Visual Studio Update 2 was announced. In a nutshell, SignalR is technology for .NET that allows you to build real time, connected Web applications. Connected in the sense that you can build Web applications that can send and receive and broadcast data in real time. The canonical example of a 'connected' application ...See More
  • High end mobile devices have been with us now for almost 7 years and they have utterly transformed the way we access information. Mobile phones and smartphones that have access to the Internet and host smart applications are in the hands of a large percentage of the population of the world. In many places even very remote, cell phones and even smart phones are a common sight.
  • When it comes to Web development, JavaScript frameworks have moved front and center in the mainstream in the last year and a half or so. When looking at building modern Web applications, the bar has been raised significantly by what is possible in large part due to the more accessible mainstream frameworks that are available today to build rich client and mobile Web applications. Although full featured end to end front end JavaScript frameworks have been around for quite...See More
  • In Part 1 of this series I talked about the current state of JavaScript frameworks and how in many ways JavaScript frameworks have become the new baseline for developing client centric Web applications or Single Page Applications. Due to the complexities involved in building complex client side applications using JavaScript and HTML, frameworks have just about become a necessity to effectively building any non-trivial application.
  • In this post I look at what .NET Standard is, how it works and what some of the surrounding issues and impacts are for the .NET eco system.
  • Originally published as a blog post - Fixing Web UI