Issue: 2004 - July/August

  • Rod Paddock Editorial July August 2004 Issue
  • Jonathan Goodyear (the Angry Coder) July/August 2004
  • If you want to capture your users' imaginations, enable drag-and-drop.Drag-and-drop doesn't fulfill requirements, but it contributes to making your application appear more professional and easy to use. In Windows Forms applications, drag-and-drop operations consist mostly of handling a series of events. By accomplishing a few mandatory steps and working with the information available in the event arguments, you can easily facilitate dragging and dropping files, text, and...See More
  • Operator overloading provides an intuitive way to support mathematical and comparative operations on your objects.Operator overloading is one of those features that you don't need very often, but when you need it, operator overloading is very nice to have. You will find operator overloading in C# now, but you won't find it in Visual Basic until the upcoming Visual Studio 2005 release.
  • In early 2004, Microsoft released a new set of extensions to SQL Server 2000 called SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.SQL Server Reporting Services provides a comprehensive platform for creating, managing, securing, scheduling, and outputting data from SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB and ODBC data sources. When Microsoft created SQL Server Reporting Services they created it as an extendable platform. You can create your own data extensions and your own output extensions. In ...See More
  • DotNetNuke 2.0 is the latest version of the increasingly popular, open-source, content management portal. It was originally released as an open source project on Dec 24, 2002. In the past fifteen months it has grown to over 50,000 lines of managed code. One thing is for sure, you won't be alone using it! The DotNetNuke support forum is one of the most active and dynamic forums on the Web site. There are currently over 45,000 registered users on the official D...See More
  • Snapshot isolation is a new isolation level that reduces blocking reads and allows transactions to read previously committed versions of data, instead of uncommitted data.SQL Server's default isolation level of READ COMMITTED restricts transactions to reading only data that has been committed. This isolation level has the effect of blocking a transaction's read operation when the data is exclusively locked by another transaction. A lower isolation level called READ UNCOM...See More
  • Configuration settings make it possible for users and administrators to configure an application before it is run for the first time and while it runs..NET provides a good rudimentary mechanism for storing and retrieving configuration settings in the application's .config file with the ConfigurationSettings class, but this mechanism is missing a number of essential features. This article describes how to improve on the base functionality using a class that provides stron...See More
  • I am the host of .NET Rocks!, an Internet audio talk show for .NET developers online at and My co-host, Rory Blyth (, and I interview the movers and shakers in the .NET community. We now have over 60 shows archived online, and we broadcast a new show every Thursday night from 10PM to Midnight, Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5). For more history of the show check out the May/June 2004 issue of CoD...See More
  • Tips and Tricks from the Doc Detective
  • Ken Getz' .Finalize() column.