Issue: SQL Server Observer

  • Ron Talmage discusses SQL Server 2005 in this introductory SQL Server Observer Newsletter
  • Ron Talmage discusses scaling out database writes.
  • Ron Talmage discusses how developers can avaiod Transact-SQL Cursors
  • Eventually SQL Server databases in a production environment must move from one server to another. It’s important to plan for eventual database moves when architecting a database solution.Designers and developers often overlook the eventuality that a database will need to move to a different server. This month’s column is the first of three dealing with the issues surrounding database moves. In this first part, you’ll learn about the reasons why you should plan for moving...See More
  • Moving a SQL Server database from one server to another is simple-initially. But there are various methods for moving a database, and some have more advantages than others. Investigating the types of moves ahead of time can make planning for a database migration easier.It takes essentially three steps to move a database from one server to another: take the database out of production, copy it to another server, and then bring the copy back into production. While you can c...See More
  • xIn the past two installments of this series I’ve discussed two key aspects of moving a SQL Server database from one server (or instance) to another. First I covered the advantages of designing databases to make them easier to move, and then I looked at the methods that you can use to move a database. Now it’s time to look specifically at the types of database dependencies that you must account for after you move a database.
  • Ron Talmage discusses 32-bit vs. 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005
  • Ron Talmage discusses performance counters in SQL Server.
  • Ron Talmage discusses the roles of SQL Server databases and instances in high availability scenarios.