Issue: 2022 - Vol. 19 - Issue 1 - .NET 7.0

  • Rod explores the recent release of .NET 7 and finds out that it meets or exceeds the hype.
  • Jon, Jeremy, and Angelos are so excited about the new release of .NET 7 that we almost ran out of room in the magazine! Read about some of the great changes and follow the links for further discussion and more information.
  • If you’re interested in improving productivity, object initialization and creation, generic math support, and runtime performance, you’re going to be pretty interested in what Bill has to say about C#’s latest release.
  • There are too many improvements in performance using .NET 7 to cover here, so Stephen focuses on the three that he thinks are the best.
  • It used to be that you had to write code for each platform your users might use. David tells you how .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) lets you code once and distribute it to everyone.
  • ASP.NET Core lets you use middleware to interact with Minimal APIs and Shawn shows you how it’s done.
  • It’s no surprise that Julie’s excited about the latest EF release. It’s faster, it allows bulk updates and deletes, it lets you map entity properties to database JSON columns, and you can map stored procedures the way you’re used to. There’s more, too!
  • You liked the .NET Upgrade Assistant tool last year, right? Mike tells you how, with .NET 7, there are even more tooling options to ease the transition from .NET Framework to .NET 7.
  • Sam’s eager to share how you can use CoreWCF to modernize applications to .NET 7.
  • Blazor enables UI development for the web without JavaScript and using open web standards. Daniel shows you how to author reusable web UI components that can be used on any modern web browser.