Issue: 2024 - May/June

  • Markus Egger reflects on the impact of the dotcom bubble bursting 20 years ago and shares the aftermath in the software development industry. Despite challenges and setbacks, the dotcom crash led to positive effects such as innovation, experimentation, and the emergence of successful companies like Google and Amazon. Markus discusses the importance of Microsoft technologies, the evolution of operating systems, and the fun aspects of the early 2000s, including the release...See More
  • Sahil Malik discusses the importance of asynchronous programming in JavaScript due to the increasing complexity of software and the need for non-blocking code. He explores different techniques such as callbacks, promises, XHR, async/await, and workers to achieve non-blocking code. The article provides code examples and demonstrates how each technique affects the user interface. The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of learning and utilizing these asynchronou...See More
  • Paul D. Sheriff discusses various ways to manipulate and serialize JSON documents in .NET. He explains the structure of JSON objects and arrays, as well as provide insights into the classes and namespaces in .NET that can be used to work with JSON. The article demonstrates how to create and manipulate JSON documents using classes such as JsonObject and JsonArray, and also explains how to serialize and deserialize C# objects to and from JSON. The author also covers topics...See More
  • In this article, Julie Lerman discusses the new ComplexProperty mapping feature in EF Core 8. She explains how ComplexProperty provides a superior way to map complex types and value objects compared to the Owned Entity mapping used in previous versions. Benefits of using the ComplexProperty include a simpler data modeling, improved performance, and the ability to share complex objects among instances. Lerman concludes by suggesting that developers can mix and match Compl...See More
  • In this article, author Mike Rousos introduces the Azure Migrate application and code assessment feature, which allows developers to analyze the source code, configuration, and binaries of their .NET applications to identify potential issues and changes needed for migrating to Azure. The tool helps developers plan the re-platforming process by providing insights into the necessary modifications for the application to work in Azure's platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environments.
  • In this article, Kevin Goff discusses various skills and concepts that are important for database developers, especially those looking to prepare for an employment interview. He emphasizes the importance of understanding SQL and database fundamentals, such as indexes and different types of joins. He also highlights the significance of knowing about data profiling, isolation levels, and slowly-changing dimensions in data warehousing. He also encourages experimentation and...See More
  • This article by Joydip Kanjilal provides an overview of the evolution of web APIs from SOAP to REST to GraphQL. By understanding the progression from SOAP to REST to GraphQL, developers can make informed decisions when choosing the right API design for their projects. The article includes code examples and instructions for building applications using SOAP, REST, and GraphQL.
  • Rod reflects on his fascination with unfinished works of art. He shares his experiences at the Academy Awards Museum and the Broad Museum in Los Angeles where he saw unfinished artwork from Disney's The Little Mermaid and Keith Haring's collection, respectively. He is drawn to these incomplete works because they provide insights into the creative process and allow him to imagine the artist at work. He relates this fascination to his own process as a developer, where he v...See More