Issue: 2019 - May/June

  • Rod reflects with gratitude on lessons he learned when he first started consulting.
  • If you’ve been thinking that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a bit out of your league, think again. Sahil shows that you’re already using and benefiting from it, and you can create it too.
  • Paul begins a new series of articles on how to create a WPF business application. This first one teaches how to use a message broker to eliminate strong coupling between classes, how to display status and information to the user while resources are loading, and how to load user controls onto a single window while aggregating controls and building a large screen.
  • If your application uses multi-threading, immutability should be part of it. John covers how to enforce and work with immutable objects, despite C#’s lack of native support for them.
  • The sheer number of PowerShell cmdlets that come straight out of the box with Microsoft products these days can be bewildering. Dan provides a handy guide to the most important ones.
  • Brian shows you that Power BI Embedded makes it possible to have great visuals as part of your app. He also helps you figure out which of the many flavors is the right one for you.
  • The article "Introduction to Cloud Firestore" by Wei-Meng Lee introduces developers to the Cloud Firestore service from Google. The author explains how Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL document database that allows developers to store data on the cloud and keep clients synchronized through real-time listeners. Lee provides step-by-step instructions on setting up Cloud Firestore in a React Native application, as well as demonstrating how to add, retrieve, update, and delete doc...See More
  • Maarten explores containers, especially in regard to an ASP.NET Core application, and uses JetBrains Rider as an IDE to build and debug apps in a Docker container.
  • Ted looks at what makes the difference between a good leader and a great one.