Issue: 2013 - November/December

  • Nov/Dec 2013 Editorial by Rod Paddock
  • I’ve been working on a technical assessment of a system for a new client during the last few weeks. As I looked at line after line of the source code they gave me, I saw test-driven design (TDD), inversion of control (IOC), dependency injection (DI), and plenty of other TLAs (three letter acronyms). I saw “convention over configuration.” I saw layer upon layer of abstraction. There was more unit test code than code. Code coverage was very high. Marvelous! I can almost he...See More
  • Sometimes your .NET applications need to interact with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to authenticate users, get a list of users, retrieve groups, or determine which users are within which AD groups. There are a few different approaches you can use to retrieve information from your AD database within your domain.
  • Be aware that this is not going to be a classic how-to article that delves more or less deeply into some technical issue or feature. It is, instead, an article that aims at providing an overview of the options you have at present for architecting Web solutions.
  • Derick shows us how to achieve a high level of interactivity in our Web applications with small-scale functionality.
  • This oft-maligned language is made compelling when John takes it apart for us.
  • The Razor View Engine (usually used in ASP.NET MVC to render HTML views) is useful beyond standard ASP.NET MVC scenarios. In this article, Rick shows how it is done and why it is useful.
  • In last issue's article about CodeIgniter, Menachem took a first look at this tool and how to build simple applications with it. In this installment, Menachem looks further into CodeIgniter and show how easily it can be used to build large-scale applications with the features that any good application should have.
  • Nov//Dec 2013 Managed Coder by Ted Neward