Issue: 2011 - September/October

  • Sept/Oct 2011 Editorial by Rod Paddock
  • The title of this article is a misnomer, but I still picked this title because it is indeed the problem we are trying to solve. The problem is session state, especially in-process session state, is just evil. It makes your application less predictable, less reliable, less scalable, and locks you out of possibilities such as Windows Azure.
  • Digital content is becoming more popular. E-book readers encourage people that like to read, to read even more because they can take all of their books on one lightweight gadget. Even though I still love hard copies of a book (you don’t need power to read it), I have had very good experiences with several digital readers.
  • This article will cover building a simple Twitter client that allows users to search for tweets, save those search terms, and recall them at any time. The sample in this article will use Xcode 4 and the iPhone SDK 4.3. All examples are in Objective-C. You can find the code for this article at I encourage you to download the code to help out if you get stuck.
  • From users to developers, mobile applications used to be (not so long ago) uninteresting. Complicated flows, non-intuitive screens and limited features available used to discourage anyone. PDAs had a poor user interface with limited colors (the first ones were only black and white). It was very complicated and boring to write any code for it. Cell phones used to be a device where you could make and receive phone calls. Eventually you could play some games. But you know w...See More
  • In this article, we take a look at what’s involved with building a simple Twitter Search client for Windows Phone. We will cover what tools you need, where to download them, how to design, build and test the app and finally, how to publish it to the Windows Phone Marketplace.
  • Smart phones are constantly evolving to fit your mobile lifestyle. Most modern phones function as full featured music and video players. Windows Phone 7 follows the path blazed by other smart phones, but adds its own twist. Your musical life on this device revolves around the Music + Videos hub. This article contains details on how to interact with the Music hub from your application.
  • Recently I accepted a management/leadership position, one where I can be the proverbial “player-coach.” It’s a position I’ve actually been doing for some time, and it’s now official.
  • On June 27, 2011, <i>USA Today </i>ran an article headlined, “FTC Probe Puts Google On Guard”. In it, Scott Martin, the author, said that “The Federal Trade Commission has formally begun its investigation into Google’s search and advertising businesses, examining whether the company has unfairly used its monopoly. … Legal experts say the FTC inquiry marks a turning point for the company as it will come under heightened regulatory scrutiny.” History does not offer great h...See More