Issue: 2023 - May/Jun

  • Rod explores how changing your plans and perspective can open your eyes. Go ahead and pivot.
  • Sahil talks about more tools available in Chrome DevTools that can make your software development better, including these features: Find unused JavaScript on a page; jQuery selector syntax for debugging; use XHR breakpoints to debug multi-threaded JavaScript code; use conditional breakpoint in JavaScript, and more.
  • Paul Sheriff starts a series on using JavaScript to create server-side web pages and web APIs. He'll demonsrate through examples how to use Node.js and Express to do this. Learn to build a Node.js and Express project for hosting Web API calls, create a set of routes to do CRUD operations on product data in a JSON file, and more.
  • Moq is a mocking library for C# .NET that can help developers achieve better unit testing by improving the isolation of tests. This article explains how to use Moq for mocking, including its features such as parameter matching, setups, verification, and sequences. Moq's fluent interface is easy to use compared to other mocking libraries and it enforces loosely coupled software design using dependency injection, resulting in modular code that is easier to test, read, and ...See More
  • Dan and Vassili demonstrate how to use C# reflection from a scripting language to let you take well-known and debugged parts of C# code and get more functionality and control. For example, with scripting, you can use technology in new ways that go beyond what the basic user interface allows. The main example takes C# code from a complex service and create CSCS (Customized Scripting in C#) code that looks very similar to the C# code, so that the scripting language now has...See More
  • Jason tells you how to use C# 9 "source generators" that generate new code during the compilation process, allowing developers to eliminate repetitive tasks and improve application performance.
  • In this article by Wei-Meng Lee, the author introduces DuckDB, a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that supports Structured Query Language (SQL) and is designed for data analytics. Unlike traditional database systems, DuckDB does not require installation and can run queries directly on Pandas data. The article provides examples and demonstrations of how to use DuckDB for data analytics tasks, including loading datasets, querying data using SQL, and performing...See More
  • Using Laravel’s built-in authentication to secure your application is simpler than you’d think. Bilal shows you how.
  • John explores how constraints can be valuable in guiding individuals and businesses towards success. Fences, both physical and legal, serve as a metaphor for constraints. Understanding the rules and regulations that define the default rule is essential to implement constraints correctly.