Bio: Milton Abe

Milton Abe

Senior Software Developer

Milton is a software developer, with a Masters in software engineering. He has been developing software since 1999, when he delivered his very first project at IPT-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Milton taught software development for three years at FASP University (Sao Paulo/Brazil) and was responsible for the very first .NET project at Porto Seguro, the biggest insurance company in Brazil: developing an alarm and truck tracking system with geo-processing. Milton has worked since 2007 as a contractor for CODE, located in Houston, TX, as a Sr. Software Developer. He also contracts with Fornax Tecnologia, located in Sao Paulo, and BTG Pactual, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.


  • .NET Core
  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  • Xamarin
  • Java
  • React
  • Angular


  • IPT/USP (Visual Basic, ASP, SQL Server) – Network architecture and Administrative Software Development. (Sao Paulo / Brazil)
  • Porto Seguro (C#, ASP.Net) – Alarm System (Home/Office), Truck Tracking using Geo Processing integrating Google Maps. (Sao Paulo / Brazil)
  • EPS - Milos .NET Framework – extension of .NET Framework (C#) (USA / TX)
  • HCI – (C#) HealthCare Software (USA / TX)
  • Proximo – (C#) Using HARMS SDK to develop an interface for data extraction (USA / TX)
  • American Innovations - WPF / MVVM /Prism (USA / TX)


  • Microsoft
  • 2546 – Core Windows Forms Technologies with MS-Visual Studio 2005
  • 2547 – Advanced Windows Forms Technologies with MS-Visual Studio 2005
  • 2541 – Core Data Access with MS-Visual Studio 2005
  • 2542 – Advanced Data Access with MS-Visual Studio 2005
  • 2543 – Core Web Application Technologies with MS-Visual Studio 2005
  • 2544 – Advanced Web Application Technologies with MS-Visual Studio 2005


  • FASP – Faculdades Associadas de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Building an e-commerce
  • New technologies using XML
  • Logic programming
  • Using ASP
  • Using NetObjects

Published Works

  • .Net Magazine Brazil
  • Using Code Rush / Refactoring
  • Using NetAdvantage controls for Windows Forms
  • Best practices programming


  • Business Administration – Bachelor’s degree – Faculdade de Economia São Luís – São Paulo / Brazil
  • Software Engineering – Master’s degree – IPT/USP – Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil

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