Press Release


Iain Hopwood, Media Manager
(832) 717 4445 ext 1

EPS Software Corp. Releases New Version of CODE Framework

Houston, TX – January 8, 2013… EPS Software Corp., CODE, and Markus Egger Inc. are proud to announce a significant new release of CODE Framework. The CODE Framework is available for download on Codeplex at

In addition to the standard set up feature enhancements, the latest version of CODE Framework includes a completely new and revolutionary module: documents, printing, and interactive documents. This feature enables developers to create documents for print and on-screen consumption using standard WPF MVVM approaches. This new feature integrates completely with the standard approach to creating user interfaces. These new documents can also reuse standard WPF UI component for print purposes.

Along with the new module, changes to the CODE Framework additionally include a feature set that allows replacement of conventional reporting technologies as well as output to external document engines such as Microsoft Word. The feature also supports completely interactive documents that seamlessly integrate with other WPF UIs. For instance, developers can create invoices completely as documents and present them as part of the user interface, print them, and save them as files. This enables developers to create next-generation user interfaces.

The CODE Framework Document features are based on WPF FlowDocuments with significant extensions. WPF FlowDocuments provide a powerful document engine with support for modern typographic and layout features comparable to, and sometimes exceeding, the features of desktop publishing systems. The new features are easy to apply and learn as developers use the same exact approach as when creating other WPF UIs. CODE Framework Documents use all the standard approaches, including controllers, view-models, and views.

About CODE Magazine and EPS Software
Founded in 1993 by Markus Egger, EPS Software Corp. is the world’s premier provider in high-tech consulting and custom software services. EPS software publishes CODE Magazine (the Leading Independent Developer Publication) and owns CODE Consulting, CODE Training, and other CODE divisions. CODE’s main focus is on Microsoft technologies, as well as Apple and Google platforms. EPS has a staff and contractor network of industry renowned experts; the staff has earned and maintained more Microsoft MVP Awards than any other company. Markus Egger, founder and president of EPS/ CODE, is the Microsoft Regional Director (RD) for the US Gulf Coast Region.

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