Articles filed in category 'DSL'

  • At the JAOO conference in Aarhus, Denmark this year, domain specific languages came up in virtually every conversation. Every keynote mentioned them, a lot of sessions discussed them (including a pre-conference workshop by Martin Fowler and myself), and you could hear “DSL” in most of the hallway conversations. Why this, and why now?
  • In the first installment of this article, I showed how to leverage C# syntax to create a specific type of domain specific language in C# called a fluent interface, converting an API into something with a fighting chance of readability. In this article, I’ll show you how to take advantage of some of the cool new features of C# to really push the envelope on this style of coding.
  • One of today’s new buzzwords in IT is Software Factories. This Microsoft initiative is likely to change the way that developers build software in the near future. The Software Factories initiative and vision doesn’t stand on its own, however. It’s initially supported by a set of new tools like Visual Studio 2005 Team System, the Guidance Automation Toolkit, and the DSL Tools. In this article, we will discuss Domain Specific Languages as they are one of the pillars of Sof...See More
  • Polyglot programming refers to leveraging existing platforms by solving problems via solutions that compose special purpose languages.This concept leverages the multi-language nature of the CLR to create simpler solutions to vexing problems. This article delves into the motivation, benefits, and challenges of writing applications in this style.
  • If you want to re-use some of the concepts John introduced in the last two issues, you’ll want to learn all about Dynamic Lambda Expressions work in .NET.
  • John builds on the modeling tools he showed us in the last issue (Dependency Graph and Layer Diagram) using UML diagrams in Visual Studio.