Articles filed in category 'Debugger'

  • Does the idea of using an app that’s never been tested give you the willies? It should, and Paul talks about finding the sticking points so you can be confident that your code works as intended before someone fires it up.
  • Software developers live and breathe debugging. It’s an essential and integral part of our day-to-day job. Whenever we are confronted with any bug in code, our typical first question is, “How can I reproduce this issue?” Any problems that cannot be reproduced are generally considered tricky to resolve. In order to really understand the challenges with debugging hard to reproduce issues, let’s walk through a few scenarios here.
  • Here we are again with a new Visual Studio. It’s hard to believe that 10 years have passed since Visual Studio .NET (codename Rainer) was released. Rainer represented a watershed moment for Windows developers as the promise of a unified language environment had finally been delivered.
  • You’re going to have to hold onto your hat! Jeffrey looks at what’s new in VS 2015, and it’s all good.
  • Visual Studio Code is the hot new thing these days. Vassili tells you how to take advantage of some of its features, including CSCS, Rich Language Services, REPL language interpretation, and debugging.