Articles filed in category 'Razor'

  • The Razor syntax is much more than just a clean way to write ASP.NET MVC Views and WebMatrix web pages. In fact, with a working knowledge of the Razor API, you can leverage Razor templates in any application. The Razor API exposes a powerful library for parsing, compiling, and executing templates created using the Razor syntax.
  • Rick explores the new features in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core and shows you that the wait was worth it.
  • The Razor View Engine (usually used in ASP.NET MVC to render HTML views) is useful beyond standard ASP.NET MVC scenarios. In this article, Rick shows how it is done and why it is useful.
  • The new view engine for ASP.NET MVC and WebMatrix combines simplicity and functionality to facilitate clean view development. In this article, I’ll dive into the Razor View Engine, the new default view engine for the ASP.NET MVC framework and WebMatrix products. Razor’s main goal is to simplify view development and to improve developer productivity while providing a clean view infrastructure.