Articles filed in category 'Windows Phone SDK'

  • It didn’t take long after the introduction of Windows Runtime (WinRT, the set of APIs that allow Windows Store apps to communicate with the Windows 8 operating system), for Microsoft to unveil the next generation of its mobile operating system, Windows Phone 8, which conveniently includes some of the APIs coming directly from WinRT. It’s easy to imagine the APIs merging together at some point, as that would make writing applications for on-the-go devices such as tablets ...See More
  • There’s no longer a simple answer to what sort of device your page will be viewed upon. Walt examines the options and shows you how to make sure that yours will look great on anything, old or new.
  • Increasingly, users have come to expect that applications they use continue to respond while the application processes information in the background. To achieve the best responsiveness, you need to build applications to be as asynchronous as possible. In the past, creating asynchronous operations consisted of passing callback delegates or lambda expressions to indicate what action to take when an action completes. These can lead to an unmanageable mess of spaghetti code.
  • Chris shows us how to make sure that your app is not only cross-platform, but international and global as well.
  • As part of his series, Walt dives deeply into Xamarin.Forms and roots around in the details of the object model.
  • Xamarin has a new version of their Cross-Platform Mobile Development tool out, and Jason takes you on a tour of all the great new features.