Issue: 2014 - March/April

  • CODE Publisher, Markus Egger, hijacks this issue's Editorial and discusses what technologies developers should spend time and resources on.
  • If your calendar has more meetings scheduled into it that time to work, you’ll appreciate Mike Yeager’s suggestions for making meetings more efficient.
  • If you want to be a great SQL Server developer, you’ll want to pay attention to these 13 key points. Kevin Goff covers both best practices and common pitfalls of Business Intelligence.
  • Keeping up with Visual Studio’s frequent and often simultaneous releases from multiple sources can be nearly impossible. In another of his edifying series, John Petersen gives us the scoop.
  • Ben Coe gives us tips on planning an engineering project when you’re starting with a blank slate. He starts with hosting options, addresses scaling, and looks at tools like Heroku, Amazon’s Web Services (AWS), Amazon’s Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2), and the Twelve-Factor App Manifesto.
  • Rick Garibay takes you on a tour of cloud-based messaging services including Windows Azure BizTalk Services (WABS), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and Windows Azure.
  • Michiel van Otegem explains Software-as-a-Service by comparing various online products and shows you how to store information about users whether you use Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory in the cloud.
  • Have you ever wondered how to use your browser (and those of your customers) as rich clients without plug-ins or ActiveX objects? Shawn Wildermuth tells you how.
  • If you've ever wondered how to commit changes to a database using ASP.NET Web API as the service provider, Jeff Etter gives you the recipe for the secret sauce.
  • Ted Neward explains how taking the negative approach just might lead to leaner, cleaner code.