Issue: 2024 - January/February

  • Melanie explores the pros and cons of citizen developers: Are they a benefit or a hindrance?
  • Once upon a time, Markus started a one-man consulting company. Now, with multiple divisions and a magazine to run, he takes a look back to see how much has changed. Overall, it is a nostalgic reflection on the technology and development trends since 1993.
  • In this article, Sahil explores the intricacies of validating access tokens in web API authentication. They emphasize the importance of identity and security in this process and discuss the parties involved, such as the identity provider, the relying party (RP), and the web API. The article delves into topics like acquiring and caching access tokens, as well as validating their signatures and claims. Sahil also touches on best practices for storing and managing refresh tokens.
  • Paul shows you how to use XML serialization to store C# objects on disk or in tables. It covers topics such as XML serialization, rules for XML serialization, serialization of C# objects to XML, controlling XML serialization process, working with XML attributes, handling nested objects and lists, working with namespaces, using XML schemas to validate XML documents, and handling schema errors.
  • This article explores various scenarios in SQL Server data handling, providing recommendations and identifying potential pitfalls. Topics covered include identifying patterns in data scenarios, using subqueries when dealing with multiple one-to-many relationships, logging database changes, handling null values versus empty values, using functions in WHERE and HAVING clauses, cumulative sums, using the PIVOT statement, and dealing with rounding errors.
  • Bilal shows you how WebSockets in PHP Laravel orchestrate real-time communication and interactions. The article provides a comprehensive overview of WebSockets, along with practical examples of their implementation in Laravel using packages such as Laravel Echo and Pusher. It covers the different types of broadcasting channels, including public, private, and presence channels, and explains how to authenticate users for private and presence channels. The article also expl...See More
  • In this article, Shawn Wildermuth introduces a new JavaScript tool called Bun and examines its potential as a revolutionary solution for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. Bun aims to handle the four main scenarios of JavaScript tooling: JavaScript runtime, package management, bundler, and test runner. With its high speed, compatibility with Node.js/NPM, support for TypeScript and JSX/TSX, and incorporation of web browser APIs, Bun claims to be four times faster than ...See More
  • Joydip covers the core concepts of resource management in .NET Core and then helps you build something with it.
  • Mike Yeager introduces Semantic Kernel (SK), an open-source AI framework developed by Microsoft for .NET for working with large language models (LLMs) and specifically to help create Copilots. Yeager explains that SK serves three main purposes: to abstract the underlying LLMs, APIs, and tooling; to handle complex implementations in a generic way; and to facilitate the integration of user-generated content. He also discusses the benefits of using SK, such as its ability t...See More