Articles filed in category 'Azure'

  • Jeffrey shows you how to organize your code to suit DevOps, configure the five Azure DevOps products, automate your pipeline for speed, and build quality into each stage of your process.
  • When maintaining the hierarchy of a file system and integrating security limits you to a single point of access, you might have some heavy lifting to do while you wait for Microsoft to supply a tool to automate this task. Mike and his team found a great work-around that will keep you happy until the tool is available.
  • Sahil noticed that AngularJS2 requires a new way of thinking about authentication regarding application structure and tells us how to deal with it.
  • If you want to write code for Office 365, you’re going to love this article. In it, Sahil shows us that Azure AD is a fundamental building block that you need to work with SharePoint or Office 365.
  • Sahil shows us how DevOps (formerly called VSTS) can connect disparate functionality using two of his favorite tools: Docker and Angular.
  • Sahil explores the limitations of Cognitive Services, the potential of Azure Machine Learning, and creating your own AI models.
  • It’s when you’re working with lots of data that you start looking around for an easier way to keep track of it all. Machine learning and artificial intelligence seem like the obvious answers, and Sahil shows you why.
  • If you’ve got a bunch of different passwords for each of your logins on various accounts, even if you only have a few possible email addresses, you’ve got a confusing mess. Mike clears it all up and helps you figure out which is which.
  • Mike explores Azure SQL Database and what it has the potential to do for large and small businesses.
  • Today’s devs have to be nimble. Your app has to work on a multitude of platforms and meet any number of platform-specific demands. Mike explains how a new tool called Docker can help you deploy your apps on everything from Linux to .NET and leave you hardly breaking a sweat.
  • Mike looks at the technology that allows multiple teams to connect and scale their data despite disparate data storage methods.
  • Mike introduces you to the wonder of the cloud through a free subscription to Microsoft’s Azure. He gives an interesting tour and helps guide you through your first app.
  • In this next installment of his exploration of Microsoft Azure, Mike explores the benefits of remote desktop apps.
  • Azure has come out with some great new tools. Mike introduces some of them, including Resource Groups, App Service Plans, and SQL Elastic Pools.
  • If your call to services times out after four minutes, you can have a problem if the process needed to retrieve the data or a fire-and-forget operation takes longer than that. What if the user makes a request and then wanders away from the computer? Mike solves it for you, with WebJobs in Azure Skyline.
  • Every company requires reports. They’re one of the constants of the business world. Mike shows us how to use Azure and VS to get just what you need without the drudgery you’ve come to expect.
  • Bots are no longer some cool effect in a sci-fi movie. Sahil shows you how to begin programming yours.
  • Rick illustrates the benefits and shortcomings of using NodeJS, and also builds a handy tool for making shortened URLs while he’s at it!
  • You already know that using Visual Studio 2013 streamlines building business apps. Beth shows you how to use its Cloud Business App project template to improve collaboration between Office 365, SharePoint, and all your mobile devices.
  • Everyone is excited about the cloud! Well, at least that is the theory. Microsoft introduced Azure such a long time ago - how many of us are really using it? SharePoint BPOS is around, but we still run servers in our backyard! So, why now? And why are things different this time around?
  • Microsoft’s Azure platform has finally been released into production. This new entry into the cloud computing market provides .NET developers with a scalable, robust platform for developing applications.After over a year in CTP, Azure is finally ready for prime time. At PDC 2009, Microsoft announced the release of new components, such as the management API, that make Azure worth considering for use in production environments. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to use ...See More
  • If you need to run discrete and small units of code in a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective manner, you need Azure functions. Jeffrey and Justin show you how to take advantage of them.
  • Like everyone else, you’ve probably been struggling with virtualization taking up a lot of space on your laptop. Sahil shows you a great way to lessen the demand while increasing the performance with Docker.
  • Since cloud computing came to town, you can’t count on your system’s software and appliances all being in the same time zone. Mike addresses some thorny issues and helps you keep your data up to date.
  • Search is everywhere. But unless you add it to your app, you won’t find it there! Sahil examines the various search tools in the Microsoft ecosystem and shows you how to make the most of them.
  • Azure Functions take care of most of the server-related problems tied to hosting. Julie shows you how to integrate them with your own app and then monitor the results.
  • Got a sinking feeling that you’re missing something in Artificial Intelligence? This article is only the tip of the iceberg, but Wei-Meng offers you a helping hand into the lifeboat called Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.
  • When it’s time to wire your house to precipitate your every whim or need, you want to be sure that your robot doesn’t mistake “catsup” for “catnip.” Sahil talks about facial recognition and how it’s connected to speech and understanding.
  • In this next installment of his exploration into artificial intelligence, Sahil explores Microsoft Cognitive Services’ ability to recognize voices from a thirty-second sample.
  • In 2007, Microsoft unveiled a new vision called “Software + Services” that would fundamentally change the way that both Microsoft and their customers build software and have a gradual, yet marked ripple effect throughout the software giant’s entire strategy.
  • In a previous article, I wrote about how simple it is to deploy an ASP.NET MVC Web Application to Windows Azure using Team Foundation Service hosted at In this article, I will build on those concepts and show you how to build and deploy a simple Node.js website to Azure using Git as the source code repository. One of Azure’s core strengths is its openness. In addition to the .NET SDK, Azure has SDKs for Java, PHP, Python and for the purposes of this artic...See More
  • Using Cognitive Services, Wei-Meng shows you how ordinary mortals can create intelligent machines with human-like reactions. Siri and Alexa (and your Roomba) are going to have some new friends once you see how accessible it all is.
  • Special tools are necessary to make the switch from clunky desktops to fluid mobile apps, and if you want to give your mobile device (or your clients’) access to the Internet of Things (IoT), you need to know about them. Wei-Meng and Clarence have done the hard part of researching it, and they recommend Raspberry Pi.
  • Sahil uses the cloud to secure source code. You never know when someone downstream might share code with the rest of the world, and Managed Identity helps keep the things private that need to be.
  • Rick Garibay takes you on a tour of cloud-based messaging services including Windows Azure BizTalk Services (WABS), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and Windows Azure.
  • The cloud means many things. It means Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Bing and - oh yes - Windows Azure! Windows Azure, as you know, is Microsoft’s cloud operating system. It consists of many parts, but at a high level you can say it includes Compute (web and worker roles, plus storage), SQL Azure and AppFabric. AppFabric, in turn, consists of AppFabric Access Control, ServiceBus, and Cache. This article concerns ServiceBus, and its integration with SharePoint 2010 and Office 365.
  • In virtually every CODE article I’ve written since 2004, the proverbial 99% of the content has been based on things I’ve done in production. Well, every technical person has to “go back to school” at some point,-and my return to school has been in the last month as I finally took a look at SQL Azure. This article represents my findings as I recently finished “kindergarten” and am now ready for the trials of first grade!
  • In the last 12 months, Windows Azure has undergone a dramatic transformation. It’s gone from “What is it?” to “We need it!” in very short order. Much, if not all of this, can be attributed to the stellar leadership of Scott Guthrie and his team. It should come as no surprise the ASP.Net team, which includes all the goodies from ASP.Net MVC, Web API and SignalR to name a few, were and continue to be under ScottGu’s leadership. It’s another reminder of what the power of pe...See More
  • Michiel van Otegem explains Software-as-a-Service by comparing various online products and shows you how to store information about users whether you use Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory in the cloud.