Articles filed in category 'UML'

  • John explains the dependency graph and the layer diagram tools in Visual Studio. Once you see how they work and what they can do, you’ll use them as part of every project.
  • John builds on the modeling tools he showed us in the last issue (Dependency Graph and Layer Diagram) using UML diagrams in Visual Studio.
  • Class diagrams are among the centerpieces of the Unified Modeling Language.They are critical for helping you design classes that will serve as building blocks for your application. This article will cover the basics of class diagrams and help you see how you can use them in your software development?especially in building your business object classes.
  • In well-designed software systems, powerful business objects work together to accomplish a variety of tasks.UML collaboration diagrams are great tools for documenting the flow of messages between objects while providing a unique perspective - a view of the relationships between collaborating objects.
  • The Sequence Diagram is one of the most interesting and useful diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language (UML).It helps you document and understand the dynamic aspects of your software system?specifically the sequence of messages that are sent and received between objects. Sequence diagrams can help you comprehend and solve difficult issues in the process-intensive portions of your applications.