Issue: Book Excerpts

  • From the book Understanding .NET by David Chappell, published by Addison Wesley Microsoft's .NET is revolutionizing Windows-based software development. Since its initial release in 2002, .NET has changed significantly, becoming the foundation for a new generation of Windows applications. The .NET Framework and Visual Studio, the two core aspects of this initiative, provide a multilanguage environment in which developers can create Web services, graphical user interfac...See More
  • SQL Server2005 Distilled Need to get your arms around Microsoft SQL Server 2005 fast, without getting buried in the details? Need to make fundamental decisions about deploying, using, or administering Microsoft’s latest enterprise database? Need to understand what’s new in SQL Server 2005, and how it fits with your existing IT and business infrastructure? SQL Server 2005 Distilled delivers the answers you need–quickly, clearly, and objectively. Former SQL Server ...See More
  • Essential ASP.NET 2.0 is the Microsoft developer's definitive reference for ASP.NET 2.0 programming. It covers all you need to know to build robust, well-designed Web applications with ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET 2.0. ASP.NET MVP Fritz Onion and Developer Security MVP Keith Brown draw on their unparalleled experience working with ASP.NET 2.0 and teaching it to professional developers. From data binding to security, UIs to performance, they demystify ASP.NET...See More
  • Essential C# 2.0 is a clear, concise guide to C#—including the features new to C# 2.0. The book clearly presents material for beginners and experts and provides contrasts and comparisons between C# and other languages. The C# language is covered comprehensively and each important construct is illustrated with succinct code examples. Complete code examples are available online. Mark Michaelis has organized the material for quick access. Graphical “mind maps” at the beginn...See More
  • An excerpt from HitchhikerGuide to Visual Studio and SQL Server Since 1994 when he wrote his first "Hitchhiker's Guide," William Vaughn has been providing developers all over the world the intimate details of how SQL Server can be accessed and managed from RAD languages like Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET. With the 7th Edition, Bill has completely rewritten this encyclopedic work from cover to cover–giving readers his insightful views on how applications should be...See More
  • Excerpt from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services by Michael Lisin and Jim Joseph
  • Silverlight Unleashed - Embedding the Silverlight Control Manually - Letting Silverlight.js Handle the Dirty Work - Understanding Your Hosting Options - Interacting with the Silverlight Control Programmatically
  • Excerpted from Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#. As far as the customer is concerned, the Interface is the product.-Jef Raskin
  • In Chapter 3, we saw the Repeater control in ASP.NET and how we can use it to bind and unbind data in our applications. In this chapter, we will discuss the DataList control, which, like the Repeater control, can be used to display a list of repeated data items.
  • From the Book Visual Studio Team System: Better Software Development for Agile Teams by Will Stott and James W. Newkirk
  • In the preceding chapter, we covered the architecture of the AJAX Control Toolkit, describing at a high level what it has to offer and the attributes, classes, and interfaces that make it all happen.The enhanced functionality you get in the toolkit, from attribute-based programming to rich animations, provides a compelling alternative to coding against the ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions and the Microsoft AJAX Library directly. In this chapter, we delve into the details of t...See More
  • Chapter 1, Hour 1: In this hour, we will cover What is ASP.NET? System requirements for using ASP.NET Software that must be installed prior to using ASP.NET Installing the .NET Framework, Visual Web Developer, and SQL Server 2005 Taking a quick tour of Visual Web Developer Creating a simple ASP.NET web page and viewing it through a web browser
  • The driving force behind the language enhancements to C# 3.0 was LINQ. The new features and the implementation of those features were driven by the need to support deferred queries, translate queries into SQL to support LINQ to SQL, and add a unifying syntax to the various data stores. Chapter 4 shows you how the new language features can be used for many development idioms in addition to data query. This chapter concentrates on using those new features for querying data, regardless of source.
  • “This excerpt is a sample chapter from the book, Implementing Automated Software Testing: How to Save Time and Lower Costs While Raising Quality, authored by Elfriede Dustin, Thom Garrett, and Bernie Gauf, published by Addison-Wesley Professional, March 2009, ISBN 0321580516, Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. For more info, please visit and Safari Books Online subscribers can access the book here: http://my....See More
  • This chapter is a brief introduction to Integration Services, its origins, its history, and a high-level view of what Integration Services is and how it can be used.
  • LINQ is one of Microsoft’s most exciting, powerful new development technologies. Essential LINQ is the first LINQ book written by leading members of Microsoft’s LINQ and C# teams. Writing for architects, developers, and development managers, these Microsoft insiders share their intimate understanding of LINQ, revealing new patterns and best practices for getting the most out of it.
  • This chapter is an excerpt from the new book, Mashups: Strategies for the Modern Enterprise by Jeffrey Hanson, published by Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 032159181X Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. For more info please visit: Safari Books Online subscribers can access the book here: begin design work on a mashup, you must determine what is to be “mashed” together. Three high-level cate...See More
  • Disclaimer:“This chapter is an excerpt from the book, Stand Back and Deliver: Accelerating Business Agility, authored by Pollyanna Pixton, Niel Nickolaisen, Todd Little and Kent McDonald, published by Addison-Wesley Professional, June 2009, ISBN 0321572882 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. For more info, please visit the publisher site: Safari Books Online subscribers can access the book here:
  • **Publisher Copyright Disclaimer:" This excerpt is from the new 2nd Ed. of: Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products, authored by Jim Highsmith, published by Addison-Wesley Professional, July 2009, ISBN 0321658396, Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. For more info, please visit
  • An introduction to the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC framework and learn why you should build web applications using ASP.NET MVC.
  • The origin of software bugs begins with the very origin of software development itself. It’s clearly not the case that we started out with perfect software and invented ways to screw it up.(1) Indeed, the term bug has been in common use within software development from the inception of the discipline(2) and is a nomenclature that is used today in every office, garage, dorm room, data center, laboratory, bedroom, cafe, and every other place where software is developed. Th...See More
  • Developers are rapidly discovering the power of REST to simplify the development of even the most sophisticated Web services—and today's .NET platform is packed with tools for effective REST development. Now, for the first time, there's a complete, practical guide to building REST-based services with .NET development technologies.
  • THis has not been published and sent out yet....
  • Caching is an important cornerstone of high-performance web sites. You can use it to accomplish the following: Reduce round-trips: Content cached at the client or in proxies can eliminate web server round-trips. Content cached at the web server can eliminate database round-trips. Move content closer to clients: The farther away from clients content is located, the longer it takes to retrieve. Avoid time-consuming processes of regenerating reusable content: For conte...See More
  • WPF Control Development Unleashed: Building Advanced User Experiences Chapter 2 The Diverse Visual Class Structure In the first chapter, we talked about how the construction of a framework like WPF is much like the construction of a house. If you don’t know why certain things are built the way they are, you are likely to use them improperly and break something.
  • Taking aside the technical aspects of learning how to use Microsoft Expression Blend, there are many areas that are often disregarded within discussions about how Blend is-and should be-used in a real-world project sense. You may be a single person business or employee that needs to fill all the roles that Blend is best used for; or, you may be part of an enterprise size team.
  • In this chapter, you will learn how to add rich vector graphics and images to your application.You will also learn how to optimize performance and image quality of those graphics elements.
  • Mario Hewardt takes a look at the internals of the CLR heap manager and the GC and some common pitfalls that can wreak havoc in your application.He shows how to utilize the debuggers and a set of other tools to illustrate how to get to the bottom of the problems.
  • After a few years of using the same static programming language, we become apathetic to it. We think of its advantages as an obvious thing; and moreover, we ignore its disadvantages because we know there’s nothing we can do about them.
  • This chapter excerpt is from the book, Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum, authored by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde, published by Addison-Wesley Professional, January 26, 2010, ISBN 0321636406, Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. For a full Table of Contents, please visit the publisher site:
  • Whenever you create your own classes, you need to consider the circumstances under which they could be used. For example, will two instances of your Item struct ever be compared for equality? Will your Person class need to be serializable, or sortable?
  • C# is an evolving language. This chapter looks at the new features added into C# 4.0 that combine to improve code readability and extend your ability to leverage LINQ to Object queries over dynamic data sources. The examples in this chapter show how to improve the coding model for developers around reading data from various sources, including text files and how to combine data from a COM-Interop source into a LINQ to Objects query.
  • C# has matured over the past decade: It's now a rich language with generics, functional programming concepts, and support for both static and dynamic typing. This palette of techniques provides great tools for many different idioms, but there are also many ways to make mistakes. In Effective C#, Second Edition, respected .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can leverage the full power of the C# 4.0 language to express your designs concisely and clearly.
  • A process contains its own independent virtual address space with both code and data, protected from other processes. Each process, in turn, contains one or more independently executing threads. A thread running within a process can execute application code, create new threads, create new independent processes, and manage communication and synchronization among the threads.
  • PREVIOUS CHAPTERS DISCUSSED extensively how to create classes using many of the built-in C# language facilities for object-oriented development. The objects instantiated from classes encapsulate data and operations on data. As you create more and more classes, you see common patterns in the relationships between these classes.
  • “This book excerpt is from Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition, authored by Lyssa Adkins, published by Pearson/Addison-Wesley Professional, May 2010, ISBN 0321637704, Copyright 2010 Pearson Education Inc. For a full Table of Contents:”
  • Scott Mitchell introduces you to ASP.NET, shows you how to install Visual Web Developer, along with the .NET Framework and SQL Server 2008, and helps you create your first ASP.NET page.
  • Adam Nathan explains how WPF 4 and Windows 7 are bringing multi-touch to the masses.
  • Peter Vogel walks you through an end-to-end solution for code generation that concentrates on integrating with Visual Studio and working with the CodeElement objects.
  • This chapter teaches the basics of both object-oriented and component-oriented programming, moving on to creating a class in C# and examining how it fulfills the goals of object-oriented and component-oriented programming.
  • Although you can create lots of kinds of projects both for Windows and the Web with Visual Basic 2010, there is a common set of files for each project. In this chapter you learn which files give the structure to each project and how the files influence the building of an application. You also get an overview of references, namespaces, classes, modules, and Visual Basic keywords.
  • “The ability to run multiple applications in the background” mocks the Verizon commercial. “Why can’t a modern operating system run multiple programs at once?” question the discussion groups. As a developer and a fan of the iPhone, I’ve found these threads amusing in their naivete' and somewhat confusing. The iPhone has always run multiple applications simultaneously in the background, but they were limited to Apple’s applications. This restriction has been to preserve t...See More
  • “This excerpt is from the book, ‘A Developer’s Guide to Amazon SimpleDB’, by Mocky Habeeb, published by Pearson-Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 0321623630, Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. For a full Table of Contents, please visit:”
  • This chapter covers the steps necessary to dynamically populate a repeating table. Displaying data from a data source in a repeating table is fairly straightforward using rules and filters. However, in this overall scenario, you need to populate a repeating group in your form with data from a data source. The data is dependent on another selection in your form.
  • A key aspect of building a great Windows Phone 7 game experience is leveraging the platform’s features. Push notifications can be used to send updates and alerts in a variety of ways: in-game (also known as “raw”) updates, pop-up toasts, and tile updates.
  • -- “This excerpt is from the book, ‘Configuration Management Best Practices: Practical Methods That Work in the Real World’, by Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs, published by Pearson/Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN 0321685865, Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. For a full Table of Contents please visit”
  • “From a drop of water . . . a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it. Like all other arts, the Science of Deduction and Analysis is one which can only be acquired by long and patient study nor is life long enough to allow any mortal to attain the highest possible perfection in it. Before turning t...See More
  • “This excerpt is from the book, ‘Building Applications in the Cloud: Concepts, Patterns, and Projects’ by Christopher Moyer. (Pearson/Addison-Wesley Professional, April 2011, ISBN 0321720202, Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. For more information, please visit the publisher site:
  • “This excerpt is from the book, ‘Windows 7 Device Driver’ by Ronald D. Reeves, Published Nov 16, 2010 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of theAddison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series series.l, ISBN 139780321670212, Copyright 2011. For more info please visit the publisher site:
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010’ By Eric Carter, Boris Scholl, Peter Jausovec, Published Aug 26, 2010 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of the Microsoft .NET Development Series series. . ISBN 13: 978-0-321-71831-0, Copyright 2011. For more info please visit the publisher site:
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘Silverlight 4 Unleashed’ By  Laurent Bugnion, Published Oct 21, 2010 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. ISBN 13: 978-0-672-33336-1, Copyright 2011. For more info please visit the publisher site:
  • This excerpt is from the new book, ‘Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Unleashed’, authored by Mike Snell and Lars Powers, published in the Sams Unleashed Series, August 2010, ISBN 0672330814, Copyright 2010. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • This excerpt is from the new book, ‘101 Windows Phone 7 Apps, Volume I: Developing Apps 1-50’, authored by Adam Nathan, published April 2011, ISBN 0672335522, Copyright 2011. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘ASP.NET 4 Unleashed, authored by Stephen Walther, Kevin Hoffman, Nate Dudek, Published Oct 14, 2010 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. ISBN 0672335522, Copyright 2011. For more info, please visit the publisher site 0672331128.
  • This excerpt is from the book, C# 4.0 Unleashed, authored by Bart De Smet, Published Jan 4, 201 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. ISBN 0672335522, Copyright 2011. For more info, please visit the publisher site 0672330792.
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming: Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360, authored by Tom Miller, Dean Johnson, Published December 12, 2010 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of theDeveloper''s Library series.. ISBN 0672335522, Copyright 2011. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘ASP.NET MVC Framework Unleashed, authored by Stephen Walther, Published Jul 14, 2009 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. ISBN 0-672-32998-0, Copyright 2010. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit, authored by Scott Mitchell, Published Jul 30, 2010 by Sams. Part of the Sams Teach Yourself-Hours series. ISBN  0-672-33305-8, Copyright 2011. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • This excerpt is from the book >NET 4.0 Generics Beginner's Guide authored by Sudipta Mukherjee.ISBN 1849690782, Copyright 2012, Release Date January 2012. For more info, please visit the publisher site .
  • This chapter is from the book Murach’s HTML5 and CSS3by Zak Ruvalcaba and Anne Boehm18 chapters, 636 pages, 264 figuresISBN 978-1-890774-66-0. For more information visit .
  • By Jeremy Likness , Published Mar 29, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of theMicrosoft Windows Development Series series. Copyright 2012, ISBN-10: 0-321-81041-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-321-81041-0 Chapter 7: Designing Silverlight Business Applications: the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
  • ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Websites Succinctly </i>by Lyle Luppes is a concise guide to creating a website aimed at mobile but also serving desktops-from just one code base. Luppes extols the virtues of .NET’s ASP.NET MVC framework, offering it up as the perfect solution for cross-platform website development. The following excerpt from his book discusses design. This book is part the <i>Succinctly </i>series and can be downloaded for free from Syncfusion’s Technology Portal.
  • This excerpt is from the book, ‘C++ Primer, 5th Edition”, authored by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée LaJoie, Barbara E. Moo, Published Aug 6, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN 0-321-71411-3, Copyright 2013. For more info, please visit the publisher site
  • In this excerpt from Building Windows 8 Apps with C# and XAML, learn about the various parts of MVVM and how to apply it with a special focus on testing. By Jeremy Likness, Published Oct 25, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of theMicrosoft Windows Development Series series. Copyright 2013 ISBN-10: 0-321-82216-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-321-82216-1. To Purchase go to: More
  • WPF 4 Unleashed: By Adam Nathan, Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Sams Publishing. Published Jun 4, 2010 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series, Copyright 2011 ISBN-10: 0-672-33119-5 To purchase this book go to
  • This excerpt is from Reengineering .NET: Injecting Quality, Testability, and Architecture into Existing Systems, by Bradley Irby, Published Oct 24, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of the Microsoft Windows Development Series series. Copyright 2013, ISBN-10: 0-321-82145-9. To Purchase this book go to: .
  • Now that you have the JavaScript skills that you need for using jQuery, you’re ready to learn jQuery. So, in chapter 7, you’ll learn a working subset of jQuery that will get you off to a fast start. And in chapter 8, you’ll learn how to use the jQuery effects and animations that can bring a web page to life.
  • Fluent C# By Rebecca M. Riordan, Published Oct 12, 2011 by Sams. Copyright 2012. Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Sams Publishing.
  • In <i>Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript Unleashed</i>, author Stephen Walther covers everything you need to build, test, and distribute outstanding Windows 8 software with JavaScript and HTML5. Walther clearly demonstrates the unique advantages Windows 8 offers to web developers. He guides you through using Microsoft’s new WinJS library to develop apps for Microsoft’s brand-new version of Windows--you learn how to use JavaScript templates, controls, and data bindi...See More
  • By Mark Summerfield, Published May 4, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of the Developer's Library series. Copyright 2012 Book ISBN-10: 0-321-77463-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-321-77463-7. Mark Summerfield provides a series of five explained examples of the Go programming language. Although the examples are tiny, each of them (apart from "hello who?") does something useful, and between them they provide a rapid overview of Go's key features and some of its key packages.
  • C# 5.0 Unleashed By Bart De Smet Published Apr 22, 2013 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. Copyright 2013. To purchase book click here:
  • By Alessandro Del Sole, Published Jan 18, 2013 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series. Copyright 2013, ISBN-10: 0-672-33631-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33631-7.
  • By Ross Mistry, Shirmattie Seenarine, Published Sep 18, 2012 by Sams. Copyright 2013, Dimensions: 5-3/8" x 8-1/4", ISBN-10: 0-672-33600-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33600-3. Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Sams Publishing. Click here to purchase book.
  • By Patrick LeBlanc, Publisher: Microsoft Press, Released: January 2013,
  • They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. -Andy Warhol</i>
  • JavaScript Succinctly by Cody Lindley is a concise, yet thorough examination of JavaScript objects and their supporting nuances, such as primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, and more. It is intended for intermerdiate JavaScript developers looking to solidify their understanding of the language, and those who have only worked with JavaScript under the mantle of libraries (such as jQuery, Prototype, etc.). The following excerpt discusses managing the scop...See More
  • By David Herman, Published Nov 26, 2012 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of the Effective Software Development Series series. Copyright 2013 Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Addison-Wesley Professional. To purchase book click this link:
  • SignalR is the latest in a long string of new technologies pouring out from the ASP.NET team recently, when Microsoft rolled out version 1.0 of SignalR when Visual Studio Update 2 was announced. In a nutshell, SignalR is technology for .NET that allows you to build real time, connected Web applications. Connected in the sense that you can build Web applications that can send and receive and broadcast data in real time. The canonical example of a 'connected' application ...See More
  • The support for asynchronous operations in .NET 4.5 has made it much easier to create easily-intelligible asynchronous methods that avoid blocking. However, async/await isn't cost-free in terms of CPU overhead. How best to judge when to use it? Chris Hurley explains.
  • by Joel Murach and Anne Boehm, Published May 2013, ISBN 978-1-890774-72-1
  • By Julie Meloni Published May 29, 2012 by Sams. Part of the Sams Teach Yourself series. Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Sams Publishing.
  • Both element and attribute declarations can use simple types to describe their data content. This chapter introduces simple types and explains how to define your own atomic simple types for use in your schemas.
  • By Jennifer Kyrnin Published Aug 22, 2013 by Sams. Part of the Sams Teach Yourself series.
  • Sponsored article from Red Gate. Diagnose and speed up your apps!
  • In this chapter, Adam Nathan examines some of the main concepts that WPF introduces above and beyond what .NET programmers are already familiar with. The topics in this chapter are some of the main culprits responsible for WPF's notoriously steep learning curve.
  • My Windows 8 By Katherine Murray Published Sep 11, 2012 by Que. Part of the My... series. Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Que Publishing.
  • Got memory problems? Use Red Gate's ANTS Memory Profile to track down the slow parts!
  • When agile teams don’t get immediate results, it’s tempting for them to fall back into old habits that make success even less likely. In Being Agile, Leslie Ekas and Scott Will present eleven powerful techniques for rapidly gaining substantial value from agile, making agile methods stick, and launching a “virtuous circle” of continuous improvement. Drawing on their experience helping more than 100 teams transition to agile, the authors review its key principles, identif...See More
  • To leverage the full power of XML, companies need shared vocabularies to base their documents and scripts upon. XML Schema makes it possible to create those shared vocabularies-and Definitive XML Schema is the authoritative guide to the standard! Written by Priscilla Walmsley, a member of the W3C working group that created XML Schema, this book explains the W3C Recommendation with unprecedented insight and clarity–and introduces practical techniques for writing schemas t...See More
  • Learning iOS Developmentis the perfect first book for every new iOS 7 developer. It delivers a complete foundation for iOS development, including an introduction to the Objective-C language, Xcode development tools, best-practice user interface development, and best practices for all aspects of app development and deployment. Throughout Learning iOS Development, you explore the iOS development process as you create and expand a handy car valet app. The hands-on pro...See More
  • The agile software movement has now been around for a full decade. As coauthor of the original Agile Manifesto, Jim Highsmith has been at its heart since the beginning. He's spent the past decade helping hundreds of organizations transition to agile/lean. When it comes to agile, he's seen it all–in a variety of industries, worldwide. Now, in Adaptive Leadership, he has compiled, updated, and extended his best writings about agile and lean methods for a management audi...See More
  • A rapid, easy-to-understand approach to delivering a secure, resilient, easy-to-manage, SLA-driven cloud experience. Designing Networks and Services for the Cloud helps you understand the design and architecture of networks and network services that enable the delivery of business-grade cloud services. Drawing on more than 40 years of experience in network and cloud design, validation, and deployment, the authors demonstrate how networks spanning from the Enterprise b...See More
  • This series introduces five steps for solving memory problems in .NET. We start with understanding symptoms and getting set up, then walk through the four main types of memory issue we hear about from the community and our customers. We'll present some of the theory behind fixing the issues, as well as details of how people have solved them in practice. In this article, we're giving an introduction to the types of problem you might encounter, and the general troublesh...See More
  • In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build rich, robust mobile apps that run on smartphones, tablets, and other devices and interact with users in powerful new ways. Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll master leading-edge practical skills you can use whether you’re developing for the iPad/iPhone or Android. Discover how to quickly build new mobile apps and upgrade older apps, provide cutting-edge media content, leverage advan...See More
  • Windows Phone 8 Development Succinctly by Matteo Pagani is one of the latest titles in Syncfusion's acclaimed Succinctly series of technical e-books. It introduces the platform and many of its features to get new developers up and running with their own Windows Phone applications. Go from displaying a simple "Hello World" message to creating an app thoroughly integrated with the operating system and hardware to to deliver a unique user experience. This book can be downlo...See More
  • Visual Studio 2013 brings many new improvements to the popular integrated development environment, including the long-awaited synchronized settings and notifications. With author Alessandro Del Sole as your guide, you will learn how to harness these features for increased productivity and efficiency. For novices and returning experts alike, Visual Studio 2013 Succinctly offers a point of entry into one of Microsoft's most powerful tools.
  • Author Frederik Dietz uses AngularJS Succinctly to outline common tasks and challenges for developers using Angular.js. With his help, novices and experts alike will find a reference that clearly outlines a variety of challenges, their solutions, and technical explanations for how the challenges are overcome. Whether you are a novice looking to understand Angular.js or an expert seeking a reference guide, AngularJS Succinctly is indispensable.
  • Java retains its object-oriented roots, but has added many functional programming constructs to help it better manage parallel processing. Java expert Steven Haines reviews the must-know features added to Java SE 8.
  • This chapter introduces direct manipulation interfaces that go far beyond prebuilt controls. By the time you finish reading this chapter, you'll have read about many different ways you can implement gesture control in your own applications.
  • You won't need a hammer or a screwdriver; maybe you'll need a tape measure—though preferably one in digital form on the top and side of your computer screen. Like any job, there's an established set of tools that most interaction and interface designers use to create their projects. Programs such as Photoshop, Balsamiq, xScope, and others are critical components of the interface-building process. In this chapter you'll find a general strategic outlay for planning the des...See More
  • In Node.js Succinctly, Microsoft MVP Agus Kurniawan leads you through the fundamentals of using Node.js to speed up your JavaScript-based applications. This informative e-book will take you from Hello World to "if…then" decisions, all the way to real-time data monitoring. You'll learn how to use Node.js to build modules, declare JSON data objects, and create entire web-based applications. The basics of socket and database programming with Node.js are also covered.
  • This chapter begins by presenting two patterns that you can use for servlet/JSP web development. Then, it shows how to use the second pattern, which is known as the MVC pattern, to structure a web application. There are several advantages to this approach, and it's generally considered a best practice.
  • The sizing and positioning of elements is called layout. Within the parent/child relationship between elements, this chapter focuses on the children, examining the common ways that you can control layout on a child-by-child basis.
  • Master a powerful and flexible ORM with support for database engines including Microsoft SQL, Oracle, MySQL, and more.
  • Stephen B. Morris describes how to get started with MongoDB and Python. As usual with Python, you can get productive quickly, without worrying about complex IDEs. MongoDB has a simple data model and easy-to-understand semantics, giving you a handy on-ramp to this interesting technology.
  • Reduce the amount of work needed to produce well-designed solutions by mastering Microsoft Prism 4!
  • In Part 1 of a two-part series, Jesse Smith gives you a solid introduction to AngularJS and how the framework is used to create simple web applications.
  • In Part 2 of this series, programming expert Jesse Smith continues his discussion of AngularJS by exploring modules and services.
  • In Part 3 of a 4-part series, programming expert Jesse Smith shows you how to use web forms validation the easy way with AngularJS to validate and prepare data before posting to a database.
  • Functional programming is fundamentally different from imperative programming. As such, it provides a unique approach to solving problems—one that requires developers to transform how they think about software design and implementation. With Imperative to Functional Programming Succinctly by Marc Clifton, you will learn many of the basic concepts involved with functional programming, such as currying, partial application, function pipelines, recursion, and continuations....See More
  • Windows Azure network services provide the foundation for building hybrid cloud solutions for your business. Windows Azure Virtual Network lets you securely connect your cloud infrastructure to your on-premises datacenter. Windows Azure Traffic Manager allows you to control how user traffic is distributed to cloud services. Windows Azure also includes a name resolution service you can use for internal hostname resolution within a cloud service. This chapter provides an ...See More
  • Learn to write applications that support different languages and cultures, with an emphasis on .NET development.
  • In the last chapter, you learned about some of the SQL statements that you can use to work with the data in a relational database. Before you learn the details of coding these statements, however, you need to learn how to work with an Oracle database and how to use Oracle SQL Developer to enter and execute SQL statements. It's also helpful to know how to use the SQL Reference manual.
  • This section teaches you the essential SQL coding skills for working with the data in an Oracle database. The first four chapters show you how to retrieve data from a database using the SELECT statement. In chapter 3, you’ll learn how to code the basic clauses of the SELECT statement to retrieve data from a single table.
  • After a decade of innovation in technology and practice, SOA is now a mainstream computing discipline, capable of transforming IT enterprises and optimizing business automation. In Next Generation SOA, top-selling SOA author Thomas Erl and a team of experts present a plain-English tour of SOA, service-orientation, and the key service technologies being used to build sophisticated contemporary service-oriented solutions.
  • Since 1996, Dreamweaver has been the leading product for web developers who want to build web pages by using a visual interface instead of writing the HTML code themselves. Now, Dreamweaver CC 2014 takes that to a new level, with tools that make it easier than ever to take advantage of today's best web design practices, like the use of HTML5 semantics, external style sheets, CSS3, and Responsive Web Design. But any program that's so comprehensive is going to be comple...See More
  • Learn the new and improved features in the latest version of Twitter Bootstrap. Author Peter Shaw builds on his work on Twitter Bootstrap 2 Succinctly to provide up-to-date information on the latest version of the software. With Twitter Bootstrap 3 Succinctly, developers will transition smoothly into the newest version of Twitter Bootstrap, which boasts an emphasis on mobile development.
  • In the last chapter, you learned some basic CSS properties for formatting text. Now, you’ll learn the properties for controlling the spacing between elements and for displaying borders and backgrounds. Specifically, you'll learn how to use the CSS box model for those purposes.
  • LINQ speeds up coding and database queries in C#. This guide takes us through the concepts and practical use.
  • In CSS3 Succinctly, author Peter Shaw provides an overview of the latest features available for custom cascading style sheets. You’ll learn to style several components of an HTML document, including color, size, layout, font, position, and more. Basic content generation, gradients, and calculations are also covered.
  • If you are a developer of embeddable software, or are looking to follow best practices, you have a few options for how to architect security within your own product. In this article, Izenda Software Architect Mason Costa compares available methods and uses the example of abstracting security to demonstrate not only best practices, but as a way for programmers to provide extensibility while avoiding the burdens posed by custom implementations.
  • In this book, we will look at a popular integration platform called RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is a powerful message broker and queuing system that allows you to integrate systems together so that they are robust, reliable, and can scale with your business. We will focus on .NET and C# in this book but RabbitMQ is a cross-platform system with client libraries for most popular development platforms. This makes RabbitMQ a compelling solution for integrating systems developed in...See More
  • Most systems do not exist in isolation, instead they must interact with other systems in some fashion. Furthermore, there is very little "greenfield" development where you build a new system from scratch, instead the vast majority of software development is more along the lines of "brownfield" efforts where you improve upon an existing system(s). When you are building a system you must identify the potential interactions it will have with other existing computing assets,...See More
  • This section gets you started quickly with Java programming. First, chapter 1 introduces you to some concepts and terms that apply to Java development. In addition, it shows you how to use the NetBeans IDE to open and run existing projects.
  • Learn how to create objects, test and modify their class and instance variables, call an object’s methods, and convert objects from one class to another.
  • OOP is a powerful concept that solves many problems found in software development. OOP is not the holy grail of programming, but, as we will see throughout this book, it can help in writing code that is easy to read, easy to maintain, easy to update, and easy to expand.
  • This chapter introduces you to the concepts and terms that you need for developing web applications with PHP. This chapter also shows you how to deploy, edit, and test a PHP application. When you finish this chapter, you’ll have all the background you need for learning how to write the code for PHP applications.
  • This is the latest edition of our best-selling C# book. It focuses on how to develop professional Windows Forms applications with C#. But along the way, it teaches you the C# language and core skills that you’ll use to develop any C# application...whether for Windows, the web, or mobile devices.
  • Xamarin is a toolset that allows you to write native mobile apps in C# and run them on both iOS and Android devices. What makes Xamarin stand out from other cross-platform tools is that it gives you the ability to share large portions of code across these two platforms while still letting you write native apps that can take full advantage of the device and OS features specific to each platform. And since Xamarin was recently acquired by Microsoft, you can be sure the eco...See More