Articles filed in category 'Visual Studio .NET'

  • You can avoid all that pesky overhead when dealing with multiple platforms by using Microsoft’s library of APIs, Xamarin.Forms. Wei-Meng shows you how to efficiently map to the various platforms’ respective native UI elements at run time.
  • If you thought Visual Studio was a great tool before, you’re going to go nuts about the latest release. Mika and Kendra talk about the changes that they’re most excited about.
  • WPF excels at creating great looking applications.
  • ADO.NET SQL Data access made simple and efficient.Microsoft has created a set of libraries known as Application Blocks. These libraries will help developers reduce the amount of code they must write while using the current best practices. One of the components, Data Access Application Block for .NET, addresses Microsoft SQL Server data access by wrapping up data access into a helper class.
  • In episode #109 Matt Mannion from Clarity Consulting talks about the application his company developed with and for the Indy Racing League in Indianapolis, IN. Using Visual Studio .NET 2003 and VB.NET they were able to develop a great application for managing real-time racing data and reporting.Matt Mannion is an Engagement Manager for Clarity Consulting Inc., a Chicago-based technology consulting firm and Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Matt has delivered many large-s...See More
  • Visual Basic has featured extensibility for quite some time.Unfortunately, extending the Visual Basic IDE has been anything but intuitive. In comparison, you have been able to extend the Microsoft Office IDE through macros since Office 97. Not only could you use Visual Basic to do so but, best of all, you had the benefit of a macro recorder to jumpstart the process. One question always loomed, "Why can't Visual Basic have macro capabilities like Office?" Thankfully, Micr...See More
  • You can create your own Windows Forms, Web Forms, or class templates to reuse code and maximize your productivity in Visual Studio 2003.
  • Reviewing where we’ve been over the last decade in the world of .NET and Visual StudioAt the brink of a new release of .NET and Visual Studio, you may wonder where all of this new technology is taking us. Not only do we now have a number of new flavors of Visual Studio targeted to release on April 12, 2010, we also get to enjoy a plethora of new technologies such as Silverlight 4 and RIA Services, as well as new hardware platforms to consider, such as Windows Phone 7 Ser...See More
  • New developers often struggle with the .NET DataGrid when trying to replicate grid functionality from other platforms.More experienced developers lament the deficiencies of the .NET DataGrid to address end user requirements. Consequently, many developers seek sophisticated third-party alternatives. In this article, I'll present a set of classes for the DataGrid to help address some of the more common struggles. Although third-party tools always offer more capabilities th...See More
  • Continuing on our odyssey exploring the features of Visual Studio 2010, we turn our attention to the New Project dialog box. You noticed a difference no doubt, but may not be aware of just <i>how much </i>it has changed. Sit back, relax, open up Visual Studio 2010 and follow along as we dive into the details.
  • Keeping up with Visual Studio’s frequent and often simultaneous releases from multiple sources can be nearly impossible. In another of his edifying series, John Petersen gives us the scoop.
  • You’re going to have to hold onto your hat! Jeffrey looks at what’s new in VS 2015, and it’s all good.
  • It’s so new that the dust is still settling, and VS2017 was worth the wait. Markus explores the ins and outs of his favorite new features.
  • Rachel takes a close look at F# mailbox processors to help you efficiently process messages. She covers replying, scanning (for a particular message or subject), and coordinating multiple agents, and makes it easy once you know which connections to make.