Articles filed in category 'Visual Studio 2013'

  • John explains the dependency graph and the layer diagram tools in Visual Studio. Once you see how they work and what they can do, you’ll use them as part of every project.
  • There’s no longer a simple answer to what sort of device your page will be viewed upon. Walt examines the options and shows you how to make sure that yours will look great on anything, old or new.
  • You already know that using Visual Studio 2013 streamlines building business apps. Beth shows you how to use its Cloud Business App project template to improve collaboration between Office 365, SharePoint, and all your mobile devices.
  • Does the idea of using an app that’s never been tested give you the willies? It should, and Paul talks about finding the sticking points so you can be confident that your code works as intended before someone fires it up.
  • Lambda expressions have been around for a while, but they seem poorly understood and generally underused. You can juice up your code with these dynamic types from .NET, according to John. Find out how!
  • Writing native mobile applications can be a pain because of all the different platforms. Rick uses two tools, Cordova and Visual Studio, to take the pain away.
  • John installs Git and explores how Git and Visual Studio streamline even a novice’s work.
  • John builds on the modeling tools he showed us in the last issue (Dependency Graph and Layer Diagram) using UML diagrams in Visual Studio.
  • Keeping up with Visual Studio’s frequent and often simultaneous releases from multiple sources can be nearly impossible. In another of his edifying series, John Petersen gives us the scoop.
  • Rachel takes a close look at F# mailbox processors to help you efficiently process messages. She covers replying, scanning (for a particular message or subject), and coordinating multiple agents, and makes it easy once you know which connections to make.