Articles filed in category 'jQuery'

  • Did you know that you can create a simple one-line menu system using two C# classes and a little bit of Razor code in an MVC page to create a hierarchical menu structure for drop-down menus? Paul shows you how.
  • jQuery is a small JavaScript library that makes development of HTML-based client JavaScript drastically easier. With client logic getting ever more complex and browsers still diverging in features and implementation of features, jQuery and other client libraries provide much needed normalization when working with JavaScript and the HTML DOM.
  • Sahil shows us a few nifty aspects of AngularJS 2 that help experienced and novice developers alike. AngularJS 2 is still in beta, but he says that you’ll love it even so.
  • The modern web ecosystem is made up of many different types of scenarios of how users interact with online content. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices along with countless hours at Starbucks and on airplanes, users may often find themselves in a position of wanting to use web content while not being able to enjoy reliable and continual access to the Internet.
  • Building mobile apps is a wave you need to catch! Paul shows you that you won’t be left behind just because you use Web Forms.
  • Wijmo contains over 30 widgets built on jQuery and jQuery UI that can help you build a better Web.
  • Paul begins a new series on working within HTML and the Web API with this close-up look at JavaScript and jQuery. You’ll learn some of the juicy details, but you’ll also get a good overview of what these technologies can do for you.
  • In this second installment of his new series on working within HTML and the Web API, Paul looks at the four standard HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. By creating a product information page with mock data, you’ll get a good idea of the power of these tools.
  • Paul teaches us how to use Bootstrap’s accordion features to make easily mobile-adaptable navigation panels.
  • Joe helps you understand the emerging front-end framework technology that’s showing up everywhere these days.
  • Miguel looks at organizing styles and integrating technologies to make one spiffy new kind of app with multi-SPA layers, and you don’t have to throw away your Microsoft experience to do it.
  • The newest member of the jQuery family of projects is jQuery Mobile. A good way to describe what jQuery Mobile is to think of it as jQuery UI for mobile devices. If you have wanted to write mobile-optimized UIs over your applications, jQuery Mobile is a library that you will want to add to your bag of tricks. Like jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile is themeable. This article makes two assumptions. First, you are familiar with jQuery and second, you are familiar with jQuery UI. If ...See More
  • Is dealing with databases on a browser your idea of a bad nightmare? Craig implements an in-browser document database called IndexedDB to create, read, update, and delete large sets of records, just like a database on a server.
  • Sahil explores the three cardinal rules of working on any JavaScript project and introduces some cool new tools.
  • If you don’t need the enormity of a SPA, you don’t have to lose the benefits of a framework. Shawn recommends using Vue to simplify the code and make it both more reliable and more testable.
  • First Premier Bankcard ( is the 10th largest issuer of Visa and MasterCard credit cards in the United States.First Premier employs multiple thousands of people spread across the state of South Dakota. A major percentage of the employees at First Premier work in call-center operations helping people apply for credit cards.
  • If you are like many developers, you are using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to provide services to Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET and possibly Windows 8 Store applications. Now your boss is asking you to develop some mobile applications using HTML 5 and jQuery. You know you can reuse many of your WCF services, but you are having trouble calling them from jQuery without breaking your existing applications. In this article, I will walk you through the s...See More
  • Derick shows us how to achieve a high level of interactivity in our Web applications with small-scale functionality.
  • If you want your Web page to hold audio recordings that play when users want them to, you’ll want to read John’s article. He shows you that it’s not only quick, but it’s easy!
  • When you wrap your JavaScript code into a closure, you won’t have bugs caused by unnecessary variables. Paul shows you how to do this using a templating tool called Mustache, which will help you get closer to coding in Angular.
  • What if, as a developer, you could focus all of your efforts on building a robust front-end experience and not have to worry about constructing a complex backend infrastructure? Jason shows us how to do just that with Parse.
  • Web Forms aren’t going anywhere. Paul shows us how to use HTML 5 and jQuery to keep ASP.NET Web Forms working smoothly.
  • This time around I’ll expand on these concepts and show you how you can use jQuery in combination with ASP.NET as an AJAX backend to retrieve data. I’ll also discuss how you can create ASP.NET controls and otherwise interact with jQuery content from ASP.NET pages in Web Forms.
  • Chris shows you not only how, but also why you really want to use a Micro JavaScript Library.
  • Sahil takes a look at some strange behavior on the part of JavaScript. He provides a list of common mistakes and what to do about them.